Westboro Baptist Church: Are They Christians?

by whereami 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • EmptyInside

    But,in answer to the question,no,they are not behaving as Jesus taught. They are behaving as others who have claimed to be Christian have behaved in the past.

    Religion should make people better,but it doesn't always. I don't see what this inbred,crazy group hopes to accomplish,but really turn people off to all religion.

    I know some don't even believe in the account of Jesus,and I'm still trying to figure that out myself. But, if the account of Jesus is true,so many have missed the whole point of it all.

  • tec
    But,in answer to the question,no,they are not behaving as Jesus taught. They are behaving as others who have claimed to be Christian have behaved in the past.
    But, if the account of Jesus is true,so many have missed the whole point of it all.

    Two very true statements.


  • garyneal


    The extreme side of religion that really turns my mind off to the whole thing.

    "The Bible tells us to love our neighbors, and also to love our enemies; probably because they are generally the same people." -- GK Chesterton

    "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." -- Mahatma Gandhi

  • cyberjesus

    yes they are.. they follow the bible and jesus ... thats what they say. if you watch them they sound like jws

  • whereami

    So are they or are they not?

    What exactlly are they saying that is wrong? Are they using their own bible version?

    Are they misrepresenting what the bible says or not? Does the bible agree with them?

    A simple yes or no from other christians would suffice.

  • PSacramento

    Define Christian.

    Is a Christian a Christian because they believe in Christ? or because they follow the Gospel of Christ?

    Is believing the Gospel AND believing in Christ ENOUGH to be a Christian?

  • james_woods

    Did anybody hear the daughter of the main Westboro guru on Fox Sunday?

    She is a total whacker -

    She proclaimed the Supreme Court decision as a judgement from God. But then, Chris Wallace asked her about other Supreme Court decisions such as Roe v Wade, or civil rights for gays - and she said that it was a clear sign that the Supreme Court was rebelling against God. Chris Wallace asked her TWICE to clarify this lunacy - and she was right out there with it again.

    It was nuts - anything that agrees with her is from God. Anything she doesn't like is from Satan.

    Wonder where I have heard that before?

  • whereami

    Come on PSac stop pussy footing around it.

    Are they saying something that's in the Christian bible or not?

    At the end of the day, is the message basically the same or not?

    Why does everything Christian/religious have to be like you're pulling teeth when you're asking simple questions?

  • PSacramento
    Come on PSac stop pussy footing around it.

    What I wrote is valid since before we can make a comment on soemthing we need to knwo what that something is, right?

    Of course in MY view, no, they are not "Christians", simply because they do NOT follow the teachings of Christ:

    Love your neighbour and treat them as you would want to be treated.

    There is no love for their fellow man, their love is conditional and they judge others, they speak for God when they say that God hates *insert selected group here* and NO ONE speaks for God.

    Their actions are the most un-christian of actions, in short they have hate i n their hearts and where there is hate there is no love and where there is no Love there is NO Christ so, no, they are not christians.

  • james_woods
    Of course in MY view, no, they are not "Christians", simply because they do NOT follow the teachings of Christ:
    Love your neighbour and treat them as you would want to be treated.
    There is no love for their fellow man, their love is conditional and they judge others, they speak for God when they say that God hates *insert selected group here* and NO ONE speaks for God.

    I agree 100% - this is a rotten bait-box full of nutters. Nothing more - no religious message except for hate.

    And here is a news flash - it is not about the gays. It is all about publicity for these Westboro Church people.

    There are plenty of places to protest their hate for gays (if that is what they want to do) - other than completely innocent families who have lost a son in the military. People who had nothing to do with their insane hate for gays.

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