financial warfare theory

by finallyfree! 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • GOrwell

    I think you're right about the US invading Canada. I'd say within 10 years that is a real possibility. All that fresh water (the 21st century's oil replacement), tar sands, diamonds, etc would simply too tasty to ignore. Even with NAFTA dictating that Canada MUST trade it's natural resources to the States, it would be like taking candy from a baby. As far as Coal goes, assuming everything somehow shifted over to it instead of oil, it too would only last 20 years tops (the 200 years of reserves you hear about is at "current" production rates). Nuclear's the only way to go.

  • DesirousOfChange

    working as slaves in factories for just enough to feed our families

    You think it's gonna take some kind of Chinese conspiracy for this???????

    the ruling class has lowered the tax rate on millionaires/billionaires; eliminated the estate tax on assets that have accrued over years without any taxation; breakup of unions; outsourcing any jobs that can be done overseas and shipped in via internet or barge; and we need the Chinese against us???

  • heathen

    I believe the US will wind up in war with china after they destroy the dollar all together and create a new currency thus leaving china holding a stack of worthless bonds . It's not paranoid to suspect a secret force of chinese in the country , they have found crates of weapons in california that were chinese. One thing we know is the US news media is only showing us what the global elites want you to see.

  • finallyfree!

    i strongly doubt the us would invade canada. they are one of their allies and so would probably take sides with the us and go down with them at the same time. plus canada even though they have an army thatd be crushed by the us, would not be invaded for the simple fact that it would probably be like killing a puppydog with a bomb. canada is not a warring country, we are more or less peace lovers. we do follow our southern neighbors in wartime tho. who's fighting americas war in afghanistan? so i really doubt thatd happen.

    exactly what heathen said...the us will cripple themselves with their own greed. the whole financial and economic system is their achilles heel so to speak. topple that and youll see the us or canadas citizens out in the streets protesting just like all those middle eastern countries. its true that american middle class is dwindling...unfortunately they are not movin up to the rich but falling into the "poor" class. and us canucks would be right in the same boat as y'all. personally i think if there would ever be an attack on the us and war pronounced it could realistically turn into a world war 3. anyone who doesnt see the current situation that the us is in is either sleeping or in denial.

    satanus: i agree with you. but do you really think that the american people are the same as say back in the days of the revolution or civil war? yes back then all the able bodied men woulda hopped on their horses and showed those confederate bluebellies a hell, half of the us population are not even fit enough to walk around the block let alone go to war. and as for standing up to the government? well i think north americans in general havent the guts to make real change cuz we put a buncha morons in power and now we cant do anything about it! just look at how much were being taxed and how the money is being spent!! if thats not enough, just look at how the us got into the financial rut theyre in now...its coz of greedy crookedd politicians in cahootz with corporate america! look at how our government bailed us outta that one!! yay! lets give billions to save our corporate buddies and f#ck the people! then lets print trillions to mess it up even more! i think it goes unsaid that the us, canada etc have their population well conditioned, just like the jw's have all their little pions busy with their service,meetings study etc not questioning a thing but being good obedient citizens, even when theyre gettin screwed at the same time.

    although if push comes to shove, yes people will get out and push for change at the top. one thing i admire about all those middle eastern countries is that they stick together and will literally take to the streets and oust the crooked leaders who will leave the country and then the people put in a new leader until its round2.

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