The Evolution of God

by Spade 46 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Nickolas

    Interesting material that I haven't seen before. I suppose I might have come across it eventually but I sincerely thank you for introducing it to me now. It is most appreciated. Most folks seem to be expressing less than gratitude but what they're saying is what you posted is good stuff, but tell us what YOU think.

  • Spade
    Whoopsy-doodle, "Spade"!!!
    Looks like everyone has figured you out again.
    Time to create yet another personality!!
    See you next month!

    You should really kiss the monkey. It's an experience like none you'll ever have while sitting in your parent's basement, hoping they don't catch you self-abusing......

    This is a substitution for answering the question: "What makes you think I'm trying to control Simon?"

    Learn to follow a conversation.

  • shamus100


    Don't listen to her... but you should kiss me. Trust me, if you kiss me I'll tell you secrets... deep secrets you will love...

    Let's not let the moment pass... KISS ME!!! KISS THE MONKEY! :D Be a sport!

  • Nickolas

    Tuesday night in the asylum. Sorry, I just sort of stumbled in. I'll leave it to the inmates.

  • shamus100



  • palmtree67
    This is a substitution for answering the question: "What makes you think I'm trying to control Simon?"
    Learn to follow a conversation.


    Yes, darling. I learned from you how to follow a conversation!

    Why not go back to the other 47 threads you started and abandoned because you couldn't answer their questions, before you start another thread where you can't answer the questions.....????

    What a fine witness of Jehovah you are, Spade/Alice?Consfearacy/Rachel? !!!!!!!!!

  • Spade
    Tuesday night in the asylum. Sorry, I just sort of stumbled in. I'll leave it to the inmates.

    I can't control the trolls that trashed my thread. Thanks for your sound sentiment.

  • Nickolas

    Peace, Spade. See you around.

  • thetrueone

    There's much more evidence beyond the scope of this brief essay to validate the existence of the spirit realm as a reality.

    You forgot one simple acknowledged fact that spiritualism grew out human ignorance of the world the ancients lived in,

    the same world we live in today, absolutely nothing has changed in the universe over the many thousands of years of

    human inhabitation with the exception the knowledge of the world we live and its apparent evolving history.

    Therefore the evolution of human knowledge accepts and justifies spiritualism as an answer of the unknown.

    If you would like any further information about the evolution of human knowledge, feel free to contact your

    local University of College.

  • julian

    God is a word. All words evolve. But the wind has always been the wind. A stone always a stone. Not much changes. But God is the most changing word of them all.

    We are just living and thinking. Applying our ideas to words.

    Waiting for the word, to give us definition, rather than us give definition to the word.

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