Will Humanity Bring About a New World Order?

by Spade 41 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • transhuman68

    Cheer up. It's better than the 1970's- some of those hairstyles were really awful!

  • ProdigalSon

    Just because the negative elite didn't get their NWO doesn't mean they weren't planning it.....


    Problem is, they thought their power was greater than the laws governing the universe that simply won't allow it, because God is Love.


  • bobld

    So what,what is your point.Does it matter.There are happy people,sad people,rich people,poor people,sick people,healthy people.Life goes on.Your JW religion is all vanity just like the wind.


  • Larsinger58

    Accoring to the Bible, the "little horn" which is the CIA is part of the Babylon the Great, that is, the "Illuminati."

    So the question is, when Babylon the Great is destroyed 15 months before Armageddon, will that also mean the end of the influence in the world by the CIA?

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    Accoring to the Bible, the "little horn" which is the CIA is part of the Babylon the Great, that is, the "Illuminati."

    Finally, somebody treats this thread with the amount of reverence and intellect it deserves.

  • jgnat

    Hubby and I go through this debate regularly. Every time he notes a flaw in human-led government, he points it as evidence of their inability. If mankind cannot lead itself, I figure, God did a terrible job creating us. "Sure there are flaws", I tell him, "but no government is perfect. Elders aren't perfect. Are you telling me if the city shut down tomorrow and the local elders took over snow removal and pot-hole repair, our problems would suddenly be over?"

    I think there is plenty of evidence that we are living through transition to a new golden age. Not that we've reached these ideals, but the following concepts are now considered "rights" by most of the world.

    • Enslavement of one human being by another - human trafficing still exists, but it is globally denounced.
    • War is no longer the glorious plaything of Kings. We know it is deadly serious. Peace is a universal hope and no politician worth his salt will engage in war without first gaining popular support.
    • World-wide, integrated economy. The relative health of one country affects all others. We're bickering over it, but no-one can close their borders these days and pretend they are self-sustaining.
    • The mystery of disease is unravelled, and miraculous cures are being developed every day. We will see the cure to diabetes and many genetic diseases like Cystic Fibrosis in my lifetime.
    • The rights of the people to choose their leader, and new ways to organize peaceful popular uprisings. Who could not be touched by the days of peaceful protest in Egypt? Leaders, take note.
    • New helps in third world countries that dignify the individual and help them help themselves, such as microfinance.
    • Longevity. We live longer and are healthier than at any other time in history.
    • Networked knowlege (internet).
    • Inexpensivetechnology beyond our ancestors' imaginings. Miniaturization. Mass production.
    • A sense that the world, our environment, needs protection rather than exploitation.
    • International years of Cooperation, Tourism, Human Rights, Education, Combat Racism, Population, Women, Anti-Apartheid, Children, Disabled Persons, Communications, Youth, Peace, Shelter for the Homeless, Literacy, Space, Family, Sport, Tolerance, Eradication of Poverty,Oceans, Older Persons, Volunteers, Mountains, Freshwater, End Slavery, Rice, Microcredit, Deserts, Potato, Planet Earth, Sanitation, Languages,Reconciliation, Natural Fibres, Astronomy, Biodiversity, Cultures, Forests, Chemistry, Africans, Cooperatives
  • Larsinger58

    A world government makes sense!

    Per the Bible, the gathering of all the nations to the place called Har-Mageddon is more easily accomplished if all the nations are members of the UN and the UN is now ruling the world. Per the Bible, though, it seems the NWO people will be kicked out of control but the UN will take over world rulership when that happens. The Bible indicates that after BTG (the 4th beast of Daniel) is destroyed by fire that all the nations will give up their sovereignty for "a time and a season" which is 15 months or so. Then they would be destroyed.

    So per the Bible, we can expect UN rule to take over. When it does, a countdown of 15 months or less to Armageddon will occur.

    But this is already happening. Per Revelation, Jehovah will cause the scarlet-colored wild beast (the U.N.) to hate the harlot and burn her with fire. Part of the Harlot, Babylon the Great, is the Federal Reserve and CFR, the CIA, and other secretive and covert socities. Already there is a demand to "end the Federal Reserve"! So the end of big banking influence over theUN and the world is coming to an end. When it does, we can count 15 months (or less) to Armageddon, when a choice between God's government or government by man via the UN rule will occur. Remembering, of course, the UN will accomplish some level of "peace and security", after which proclamation "immediate destruction" will ensue. At this point, the elements are all lined up just as the Bible prophesied.

    Christ did arrive in 1992 as prophesied and by now, some 20 years later by 2012, certainly all the elect have been sealed. We know from Bible prophecy God would wait to the very last minute. It would appear there was a "delay" but Habakuk confirms "It will not be late!" God has his own schedule, so we are on his timeline now. Bottom line is the longer God waits the potential for more borderliners being saved, so why not wait to the very last minute?

    Now think about this!!! The Bible claims these world powers will give up their sovereignty when BTG is destroyed. How so? What will they give up their sovereignty to? Per Revelation, the scarlet-colored wild beast, which represents the UN will become the 8th king! So what the Bible prophesied makes critical CURRENT sense! The UN is here to take over! Globalization makes sense. The US is in debt to China, what choice do they have but to cooperate with a world authority through the UN?

    Thus the Bible, thousands of years in advance, have described our current world scenario!! That should be prove enough the Bible is true and everything will be fulfilled. It predicted that there would be one military superpower! The Leopard represents the US! It predicted there would be a one-world government, which is clearly the UN. It is the beast that was, is not and is again. That clearly is the League of Nations dying out for a while to become the United Nations!

    The Bible is being fulfilled right before our eyes!

    The world will go for globlization via the UN, only the CFR, the Federal Reserve, the CIA and the other Illuminati agencies will not be in charge. They will be ousted and their funds totally confiscated.

    Amazing and wonderful.

    Well, wonderful if you are expecting to be one of the survivors of Armageddon!!

  • villabolo

    Larsinger: "The Bible is being fulfilled right before our eyes!"


  • Vidiot

    Larsinger58 - "A world government makes sense!"

    Out of everything I've ever read posted by you, that one statement is the sum total of things you've said that I'm able to agree with.

    What's really ironic is that I agree with this sentiment for practically the opposite reason you believe it.

    Rather than reverse-engineering a Hal-Lindsay-ish interpretation of Revelation, I've come to this conclusion using a much simpler method; math.

    It works like this:

    5000 years ago there were hundreds of thousands of governments across the planet.

    500 years ago there were only a few thousand governments across the planet.

    50 years ago there were only a few hundred governments across the planet.

    At this rate (an exponential curve), a single unified planetary government should be (from a historical perspective) literally right around the corner.

    I actually look forward to it; I don't have the slightest problem with the notion of a "North American Union", a global currency (there arguably already is one, it's called the American Dollar), or a full-on planetary government (take that, NWO conspiracy theorists and conservative/libertarian nationalists!!!).

    If/when it happens, (due in large part to the Information/WikiLeaks Age) I'm almost certain it will be a democratic one in spite of the serious problems of unsustainable population growth, climate change, and the effects of Peak Oil.

    So there.

  • Vidiot

    Villabolo, I know that the third pic is legit (I saw it once before in a Ripley's Believe it or Not thing), but the first one is a photoshop job, right?

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