The Gentile Times Reconsidered

by Spade 382 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Spade

    In light of the posts that over-complicate something relatively simple; the information source for 537 as the date which Cyrus the Great decreed that the Israelites could return to Judea came from the Bible and Brown University Studies, Vol. XIX, Babylonian Chronology 626 B.C.—A.D. 75, (1956) Parker and Dubberstein.

    The only scholarly study that challenges some aspects of these secular sources is “Assyrian, Babylonian, Egyptian and Persian Chronology Compared with the Chronology of the Bible volume I Persian Chronology and the Length of the Babylonian Exile of the Jews” from Rolf Furuli.

    The reason Charles Taze Russel and his associates came to a conclusion about Bible prophecy regarding the “appointed time of the nations” was to understand when Jehovah will intervene of behalf of humanity. If all the facts are obscured to the point to where no conclusions can be reached, divine prophecy is an utter failure on God's behalf, not its interpreters.

    In the first year of Da·ri′us the son of A·has·u·e′rus of the seed of the Medes, who had been made king over the kingdom of the Chal·de′ans; in the first year of his reigning I myself, Daniel, discerned by the books the number of the years concerning which the word of Jehovah had occurred to Jeremiah the prophet, for fulfilling the devastations of Jerusalem, [namely,] seventy years. Daniel 9:1-2

    The Bible is crystal clear when iterating prophetic words in which sound conclusions can be reached. A matrix of data can often be used to obscure clear instruction, but that's not the way God operates, that's the way some humans operate.

    For God is [a God], not of disorder, but of peace. 1 Corinthians 14:33

    But his disciples began to ask him what this illustration might mean. He said: “To you it is granted to understand the sacred secrets of the kingdom of God, but for the rest it is in illustrations, in order that, though looking, they may look in vain and, though hearing, they may not get the meaning. Luke 8:9-10

    There's no reason to go beyond what's been stated in black and white text and clear insight, deliberately obscuring Jehovah's teachings and the meaning of his word.

  • jonathan dough
    jonathan dough
    Spade:In light of the posts that over-complicate something relatively simple; ... There's no reason to go beyond what's been stated in black and white text and clear insight, deliberately obscuring Jehovah's teachings and the meaning of his word.

    You're wrong. These arguments are no more difficult than those put forth by the JWs, so in that sense you are a hypocrite. In your world we wouldn't dare have libraries and theologians, great thinkers. If they are difficult for you than you are in way over your head. JWs can't claim on one hand to be great Bible scholars and then refuse to think and go toe to toe when the going gets rough. Your arguments are void of any sound reason or facts. Try proving us wrong instead of dismissing us outright. Start with this, I dare you.


    The date 607 BC is a correct date . 587 BC is correct . 537 BC is correct . 517 BC is correct ,487 BC is a correct date .

    607 BC - 487 BC = 120 years = 29 AD - 149 AD = 120 years = 1914 AD - 2034 AD = 120 years.

    607 BC + 635 years .. 29 AD .. 1885 years ... 1914 AD . 635 years + 1885 yeasrs = 2520 years .

    607 BC backwards 1885 years = 2492 BC . 2492 BC + 120 years = 2372 BC which Noah's Flood took place .

    2492 BC + 1885 years + 635 years which is 2520 years = 29 AD !

    2372 BC + 2520 years = 149 AD .

    2492 BC ..... 1885 years .... 635 years .... 1885 years .... 1914 AD .

    2372 BC ... 1885 years ... 635 years .... 1885 years .... 2034 AD .

    Time symmetry is a very important factor in God's workings as it shows God's perfectness and His perfect plans .

    We must sytick to God's arrangements .

    One generation of Israel was 45 years after she left Egypt in 1513 BC.

    1512 BC - when true wroship was restored we count 45 years .. = 1467 BC .

    607 BC ... 29 AD = 635 years . We take out 5 years for 7 BC - 2 BC . We get 630 years for 14 generations from Israel's exile to Babylon .

    630 years : 14 generations = 45 years for one generation.

    1512 BC and 1467 BC are correct. 607 BC, 29 AD-33 AD - 36 AD = 1914 AD - 1918 AD - 1921 AD are correct.

    7 BC + 1885 years = 1879 AD , 2 BC + 1885 years = 1884 AD, 29 AD - 33 AD - 36 AD + 1885 years = 1914 AD - 1918 AD - 1921 AD .

    70 AD + 1885 years = 1955 AD . 99 AD - 103 AD - 106 AD + 1885 years = 1984 AD - 1988 AD - 1991 AD .

    119 AD + 1885 years = 2004 AD , 149 AD + 1885 years = 2034 AD .

    The dates : 1879 AD,1884 AD ,1914 AD - 1918 AD - 1921 AD are related to the International Bible Students Association .

  • villabolo

    It's all so simple


  • Retrovirus

    That's funny, Spade!

    The Bible is crystal clear when iterating prophetic words in which sound conclusions can be reached

    So why is it so murky to the Watchtower? Why all the failed prophecies? Why do they need overlapping generations? When will they "reach a sound conclusion"?


  • palmtree67

    Salty, I'm reading your posts.

  • Scott77

    I agree with outlaw. Watchtower historical teachings are nothing but bullshit. I completely fall to understand an organisation that is anti higher education yet, claims authoritatively to state historical dates as being acurate when in fact, its on the contrary. The watchtower's knowledge of the bible is questionable given its history of failed prophesies like the 1975 end of the world. If you failed before, how are we going to believe you a second time?


  • The Finger
    The Finger

    The Bible is crystal clear when iterating prophetic words in which sound conclusions can be reached. A matrix of data can often be used to obscure clear instruction, but that's not the way God operates, that's the way some humans operate.

    Spade this "crystal clear" and "sound conclusions" Don't seem to have been evident with Jehovah's Witnesses and divine prophecy. Maybe if you "step back and look at the big picture" for some it may seem more "crystal clear" I don't know.

    What Russell believed, his understanding, his sound conclusions that he reached have all been jettisoned by Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Rutherfords sound conclusions regarding 1925 I think he summed it up himself by saying "I made an ass of myself" (Watchtower October 1st 1984 page 24) Maybe the prophetic words weren't as crystal clear as he needed.

    Now of course we have the umpteenth revision of what the prophetic words mean "that generation"

    Yes I would agree "For God is [a God], not of disorder" Which makes you wonder about the Witnesses.

  • diamondiiz


    2470 date for flood

    You cannot get the exact year for the flood. If you read Genesis you will see that the age of the father is mentioned when the son was born BUT it doesn't state a month. What are the chances of each father having a son born on their birthday. We're talking about many generations from Adam to the flood and the father may have been ex. 100 years and 3 months when he fathered ____ and the next was 99 years and 1 month when he fathered ____ and so on. These months may not seem as much but when they add up and you may be off by several years in which case exact year can't be calculated for the imaginary flood.

  • transhuman68

    Now that OBVES and Larsinger58 have cleared up all our misunderstandings there really is little left to debate. Thanks, guys!

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