May 15 WT sisters support your husband.....or else!

by hoser 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mickey mouse
  • itscrap&theyknowit!

    ....and THIS F***** UP thinking is why my marriage is OVERRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!

  • designs

    What next they won't be allowed to Vote!

  • itscrap&theyknowit!

    @WTWIZARD- GREAT points!! I have seen may wives, even aunts, who have followed this to an exceptional TEE! Sisters have lost their husbands to death, young and old. When their husbands die or should leave them for someone else, THEY DON'T KNOW HOW TO WRITE A CHECK OR PAY A BILL! I was like this. Went from my parent's home at 19 to marriage for 20 years. Neither one of us had lived on our own. For about 8 years, we had severe money issues. Also, with the thinking that soon we won't have to be bothered with this system anymore and it's issues (namely, money).

    Being a Witness has given me more negatives in my life. Now, since I've had this 'awakening' and wanting to be on my own, I look at the price of leasing a condo, maintaining a car, paying just to buy a candy bar on my own, is scary. This is the result of being a Jehovah's Witness all your life.

    My kids, I show them the REAL WORLD! They are young, right now. They pay me $5.00 a month for rent and 75cents if they want to go to use gas in my car ( I drive them because they a minors). I am only showing them that they have to take care of THEMSELVES and EVERYTHING HAS A PRICE! As a witness, as long as the women worked under 15-20 hours a week and doing menial jobs just to put money in the tank for field service was all that was necessary. B***sh**!!!!


  • Snoozy

    I loved being a stay at home Mom..I guess it depends on the individual. I loved catering to my husband. (and kids)

    But surely that article quoted has been doctored..surely.."Don't complain if he goes out even staying out all night?" Get one would say that.


  • Scully

    I've just finished watching the first 3 seasons of Mad Men on Netflix and the Good Housekeeping article seems to be the historical source for the script.

    And I thought it was intended as comic relief.

  • meangirl

    I love how the idiots writing this crap are so out of touch with reality. Reality is a two income family now. They still assume the husband works and the wife does not. That is the majority of marriages now. So what about the husband pressuring the wife to work overtime or how about if he squanders HER hard earned money....assholes. You know sometimes I think I can go back and "pretend" but with crap like that I know I could not sit through that.....It would be a disservice to my daughter to raise her with views like that on women.

  • Iron Head
    Iron Head

    For the first time in a long time, I'm considering reinstatement

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