For those that are and have been married,did the JW lifestyle aggravate "typical" marital and family problems?

by miseryloveselders 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • miseryloveselders

    I ask this in consideration of last week's and this week's Congregation Bible Study which focuses on the responsibilities of Christian parents, and husbands. I also ask this in harmony with ItsCrap&TheyKnowIt's thread which is a heluva opening post by the way. I linked it below for those that aren't familiar with it.

    The past two weeks we went over pages 178-181 in the Come Be My Follower book. The parts on family life I found to be rather curious. Paragraph 16 mentions the responsibilities of "parents." It mentions that they may have to work long hours at exhausting jobs to provide food, clothing, and shelter for their children. It even touches on the emotional attachment and affections parents have for their children by stating that parents would rather do with less for themselves, than see their children deprived of life's necessities. Then it gets lists the responsibilities of "Christian parents." This includes studying with their children, taking them to Christian meetings, and working with them in the field ministry. Last week's lesson focused on the wives of elders, who support their husbands by sacraficing the time they could spend together so that the husband can take care of congregational matters. It states they are to be commended for their generous expressions of self sacrificing love.

    As I was getting ready for the meeting the other night, I was thinking to myself about the thoughts on marriage I've heard through out the years. From the time I was a teenager working my first job, until now, older men have called themselves giving me advice by saying to me, "don't get married." That's only one side of the coin, so I can take a reasonable view on their so called advice. At the same time I've heard my dad say in times past, that "some of the worst marriages, are in The Truth." It got me to thinking about the JW lifestyle and how it has to aggravate relationships. When getting ready for the meeting, I was a little irritated because for one thing I was running a little late as I got off work later than usual. When I grabbed the slacks to a suit I was going to wear, I found that I didn't hang them up properly from the last time, and as a result there was a a serious wrinkle in the pants where I'd hung them crooked on the hanger. All of my other suits are in the cleaners, so I had to make do with what was available. That means I had to iron. Not to mention, I needed to shave, and wash up a little, and I need to be out the door in the next 10 minutes if I wanted to make it on time.

    Reflecting on all of that, I couldn't imagine being married and having kids while trying to get ready for the meeting. The thought of rushing home to get ready, and find that the kids are slow getting ready, or are giving my wife a hard time, is unsettling. Other scenarios had me thinking like, what if its my wife's time of the month, or she's disappointed in me for not doing something I said I would. Or, maybe I have teenagers who are showing signs of "not wanting to serve Jehovah", that's got to be rough on a marriage. My dad told me years ago that some JW parents raise their children to hate Jehovah. What he meant by that is some JWs go overboard with field service and other spiritual activities. Eventually the child gets older and developes resentment due to such a rigid lifestyle. Then the parents start looking at themselves critically thinking that they didn't do all they could to help their children develope a love for Jehovah. The WT has even printed articles encouraging parents not be overly critical of themselves when this happens.

    What I'm wondering is, has the WT played a major role in stressing marriages and families with all of the things they encourage JWs to do? Meetings, assemblies, conventions, field service, personal study, family worship night, auxilliary pioneering, regular pioneering, etc., all of these things have to add some stress to marriage. I'm single, and at times it all gets to be a bit much leaving me overwhelmed. I couldn't imagine having to do it all and raise a family at the same time. Marriage can be difficult enough for people, and when you throw the WT into the mix, I can see the potential for it to be a nightmare.

    For those of you who're married, or really anyone who's had families in The Truth, is it fair to say that the JW lifestyle aggravated your marriage, or family? Considering that all marriages and families have their share of problems, would you say that the WT increased those problems? On the flipside of that coin, is it possible that The Truth made your marriage more solid, or helped your family?

  • rocketman

    It put a strain on my marriage. My wife always hated the subservient role that was expected of women. The two of us saw eye-to-eye on how to raise our child generally but my wife was very gung-ho when it came to the so-called truth, expecting the kid to have her bible reading done and taking a hard line on several issues, while I was more laid-back about such things generally.

    It did little or nothing to soldify the marriage, despite the constant admonishment. In fact, especially as my role in the congregation increased as especially after becoming an elder, I felt that being 'used' heavily, getting up on the platform and speaking on various subjects including family life, just left me more open to criticism on how I was falling short of such ideals. For example, I didn't want to do a home bible study, and yet there I would be conducting meeting parts which at times included the need for a family study.

  • alanv

    I think that anyone who has bible principles in their life, are probably going to have happier family life.

    Having said that, the head of the family thing I'm sure must annoy a lot of women who are more than capeable of being the chief organiser in their family.

    I did find it frustrating in the bedroom department that my wife stuck rigidly to what was allowed and what wasn't!

  • baltar447

    I agree, bible principles on loving your wife, taking care of your kids are fantastic. Yet the tedious routine of endless meetings and busywork wear people out too much and put extra strain on marriage.

  • DesirousOfChange

    I think that anyone who has bible principles in their life, are probably going to have happier family life.


    Having said that, the head of the family thing I'm sure must annoy a lot of women who are more than capeable of being the chief organiser in their family.

    And those women wisely and tactfully let their husband THINK he is the head of the family.

    I did find it frustrating in the bedroom department that my wife stuck rigidly to what was allowed and what wasn't!

    I found it great that we DID NOT stick rigidly to it.

  • itscrap&theyknowit!


    Thanks for the 'shout'. Yes! It (THE JWS) have torn my marriage to pieces. I also blame my husband for being spine-less. It is inate with him, though. The APPEARANCES GAME runs deep in his family. Like some one asked me on a theread yesterday, 'can I find it in my heart to forgive my husband and not let the organization 'win'? No. I had tried and tried. I wasn't EVER looking to be divorced. I would BEG him to see things my way, just once. Like Jehovah told Abraham, "listen to your wife." The Bible says that a man would leave his parents and stick to his wife. It did not tell him to stick to the organization. THE JWS IMPLORES YOU TO DO THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I got to the point where I was nolonger AFRAID of my husband or this CYBORG RELIGION! I used to tell him, "okay. Don't let this religion tear this marriage apart" or okay, your're gonna find yourself screwing the elder body and your friends when I leave you."

    I'm sure he NEVER saw it coming to this.

    I tell ANY young couple who 'just has to confess' to me about how hard things are within their marriage. I ask them, "Do you still love your mate?" They say, "yes." I tell them, "RUN TO THE F---- HILLS FROM THIS RELIGION!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

  • mamalove

    Yes, you nailed it. It just adds to the burden of taking care of a family. Sometimes I would get so frustrated I would tell my ex husband to just leave without me and the kids and I would drive myself. The strain in a marriage with the rules from the organization also adds to it. But it was sometimes convenient because I could throw stuff back in my husbands face, and once in a while, that felt kind of good.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    In my case, the JW lifestyle should have improved my marriage.

    Was married to a wack job.

  • Finally-Free

    The only reason my ex married me was because I was a pioneer™, Gilead was no longer taking applications from single sisters™ and no other brother™ in the hall would give her the time of day. I'm just sorry I was too stupid to see it at the time.

    The fact that I was never an elder or MS was always a source of friction too. She was also quite angry when I told her that, according to the elders, she was the reason I never made "progress". She reeked of ambition and everyone knew it.


  • LostGeneration

    I think whether it causes more or less stress often depends on how much each person is "with the program" meaning how motivated they are to do all of the things the WT requires. Another big factor is if the wife is working or not. I have seen many JW families hum along for years with precision when both the husband and wife are motivated, and the wife can take care of things at home without having to get a full time job. As far as I know they were happy, and weren't stressed out by the burdens of WT life.

    But if you have a working wife, a wife who doesn't believe in the WT line about "headship", a lazy husband (at home I mean, someone who doesn't want or like to help out) or if either one of them overly concerned about APPEARANCE then the train can come off the tracks real quick. In these situations, they are already having a hard enough time making their marraige work, then the WTBTS comes into the picture with their time-grabbing requirements. One or both of the spouses start feeling "guilty" becasue they aren't measuring up to the requirements coming out of Brooklyn. Then they start fighting over stupid, little things that really shouldn't matter but they do because of the fear/guilt factor piled on them by the WT.

    Then if they do want some help, the elders give them worthless advice. Basically they tell the wife to sit down and shutup, and the husband to be a better head, which is code for dominate your family and tell them what to do. Oh, and btw get to more meetings, go in service more, and everything will work out. You know, stay on the WT hamster wheel and never get off. How in the world is that going to help a marriage?

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