Is the American empire on the brink of collapse?

by slimboyfat 54 Replies latest social current

  • Satanus

    Capitalism, controled from the home base in the usa is in the point position of american empire. The military is in second position as a back up, the force to be applied as necesary. The us dollar is still the most common global default standard. The above structure is commonly mislabelled 'democracy'. I agree that america could be being eclipsed by another power. The base reason that this may happen is because of the tensions that are caused by inequalities. As inequality tensions build to higher and higher levels, the greater are the forces for violent release of these forces. They manifest in violence and decay. As the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, and the middle class dissappears, the greater is the chance of american power failing.


  • Curtains

    yes we do live in interesting times podo bear and I agree with both you and satanus regarding capitalism.

    Capitalism has good and bad effects. On the one hand it has brought us many liberties but on the hand some of these liberties have come with a heavy price - a cheapening of some aspects of life in reducing it to monetary value. But we are in a position to take back our lives during this time in which capitalism is showing its costly unsustainableness in the West. I don't think capitalism it will go away completely or fail to the point of complete collapse, but it will allow an increasing large space for innovation.

  • leavingwt

    Professor Hanson (conservative), says that "decline is in the mind". . .

    . . .decline is a state of mind, and proceeds so often from the dreams of utopianism, or the creed that a new generation can change human nature, eliminate war, legislate peace, end inequality, and enforce an equality of result—alone through state power wielded by enlightened despots and philosopher kings amid imposed “civility”. In response, the productive, highly-taxed upper-middle classes become alienated, convinced that their efforts will not lead to their own self-interested advancement. So they adopt ‘quietism’, a sort of psychological hibernation from society, a disconnect where they virtually drop or hide out from popular culture—a theme as old as characters in Plato, Sophocles and Euripides, authors who at times focused on those so resistant to the redistributive Athenian state.

    But it is Not Easy to Turn Us into Belgium

    In America’s case, these are choices, not fate. The Constitution is still here should we wish to follow it. Our ancestors left us freeways, airports and universities and a rich infrastructure. Napa Valley, Silicon Valley, and Central Valley agriculture here in bankrupt California are still sources of amazing ingenuity and enormous wealth creation. Even with 9.6% unemployment, millions rise at 6AM to go to work; millions work the night shift. So to nullify that dynamism, well, that takes work. It requires constant sloganeering about inequality. It demands massive social engineering to create huge public work forces to administer redistributive entitlements. It must entice a new privileged elite to go over to the side of crony capitalism and insider favoritism of the GE sort. It encourages a demonized “them” and a deified “us”, the abyss say somewhere around the Obama’s $250,000 line of annual income. It requires an ideology of envy and jealously and the exit of moral responsibility for self. It dictates that most personal unhappiness emanates from not having what someone else supposedly does, and can be rectified by state action rather than personal improvement. Yet that is all hard to do quickly in America.

    Just Say No
    So because statist utopianism is both against innate human nature, and without any historical record of success, it is not inevitable. The sane can stop it by daily, no hourly, saying no to the utopian narcotic, even (or especially) in its most seemingly mundane and innocuous manifestations (Dear Mrs. Obama, those who buy expensive baby formula surely have enough money for a breast pump if they so chose, and the latest federal concern over why some women do not nurse should at least start with addressing their own thinking and attitudes, not funding someone or something to root out a third party’s supposed coercion and oppression). If we speak ‘truth’ to power and ignore the incoming salvos of “mean, greedy, selfish, privileged, racist, nativist, sexist, homophobe, Tea-bagger, and yokel”, decline can stop. It really is a state of mind—the choice not to brush off opportunistic rust from hard steel after a very brief rain.


  • james_woods

    I think that the obvious answer is total, global, worldwide communism.

    I learned this from the thread on Egypt.

  • miseryloveselders

    My father whom I love and respect dearly is aware of my doubts regarding this religion. Anymore I hate going over to see him, or calling him because all he wants to talk about is bad news. Granted, I don't think he's unique of being obsessed with bad news as I think all older people have a bad news fetish. The last time I talked with him, he goes, "Misery, South Carolina wants to print their own money. This thing is deteriorating fast. We don't have much longer, our deliverance is near." I'm looking at him like.....ummmmmmkayyyyy. Armageddon as taught by the WT will come before South Carolina pulls this currency legislation off. The WT will say that the 144,000 is symbolic before the American Empire implodes.

    I personally don't think the American Empire is on the brink of collapse per say, but adapting to the current global economy. It's kind of like that cheesy We Are The World song, only thing now is the singers aren't crooning only over Africa's plight. They're singing about an American neighborhood near you, and pretty soon they'll be singing about you. Those in powerful places and privilege will still maintain that America is still the bastion of light that other countries should aspire to be like and that nothing has changed. I guess its all in how you view empirical collapse and where you fit in at.

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