Is there a Logical explanation for the spooky things happening at my daughter, Ali's house?!?!!!!

by coffee_black 141 Replies latest jw friends

  • laverite

    Coffee B.

    Have her set up a good video monitoring system from Costco and record. She may very well find that although she thought it was impossible someone was getting in that it's exactly what's happening, especially when real estate may be involved.

    Another possibility is that people process information at differing levels of consciousness. We all have had the experience of getting in a car, and driving somewhere only to all of a sudden 'come to' realizing we had 'spaced out' during most or all of the trip. Sometimes I put things places, or pull something out and put it someplace strange not even processing what I'm doing only to discover it later.

    There's a logical explanation if she's willing to put in the effort to find out what's up. She may see in her own recordings that SHE put the dress there (or someone else got in)...who knows.

    People often default to the 'easy' explanations involving the paranormal.

  • laverite

    Maybe her medications may be having an influence, as well? Sometimes, even years after someone has been taking a certain medication side effects develop that are somewhat unexpected.

  • Qcmbr

    Memory is an incredibly odd thing. The other day I opened the fridge to put my breakfast milk away and found our bag of sugar sitting in the milk slot. I was momentarily thrown off guard and then gradually I retraced my steps and realised that just as I'd finished putting sugar on my cereal I'd had the thought to put the milk back in the fridge but that I'd had my wife ask me a question at the same time. Obviously I'd gone on auto pilot while focusing on my wife.

    The fun part would have been if I'd put the milk away hours later at which point I'd have forgotten the causal chain and started to think I was losing my marbles or someone in the family was.

    For stuff to get in the attic you need to work out how an animal or human did it.

  • coffee_black


    She takes heart medication to help her heart pump stronger, and she is on meds to help rid her of excess fluids. She also is a type 2 diabetic, though that is pretty much under control, and she is being weened off her pill for that. She has not taken the sleeping pills prescribed for her.

    Two of her kids were by her her side when all this happened... before they left the house, and when they returned. They stick pretty close by to her at all times because she is not to be left alone. She is not the only one to observe this. They could not have all had the same halucination.... could they?


  • MrFreeze

    It's a g-g-g-g-ghost Scoob!

    Seriously though, that is pretty freaky. At my old house we used to have all kinds of weird stuff happen. My mom blamed it on my brother having R.L. Stine books in his room. The demons are coming!

  • laverite

    Coffee B - You're right -- they wouldn't all have the same hallucination, but I don't think this was a hallucination. I do think there's a logical explanation though. Sometimes meds do funny things though (and kids get distracted). I take a medication for acid reflux and have been on the med for a few years and started getting really strange symptoms from the medication last summer, out of the blue.

    I can't speak for your daughter of course, but if this happened to me, the FIRST person I would suspect being responsible would be ME. I'm a total ditz. lol. Think Suzanne Summers from Three's Company...only I'm a gay superhero, not Chrissy. I can be a hot mess sometimes though. I supposed if I looked like Chrissy (as opposed to just acting like her) I'd be a "hot tranny mess." LOL. Why do I keep going on? It seems my keyboard has a kind of diarrhea. I blame Mary from 6 Screens fame. I'll shut up now. Who knows what I'll write next if I don't. LOL.

  • coffee_black


    I have done the same thing... I once put my cell phone in the frig in a bag of veggies... have no idea how I did that. Found it a day later after tearing everything apart trying to find it.

    As far as the shoes and sox in the attic thing... I dont think an animal did that... there was a pair of sandals...not just one...and they were found side by side... a human...perhaps...but again, who? No one goes up need a ladder... and Ali hasn't been on a ladder in ages. She is limited now because of her heart condition. The kids don't like to go anywhere near the attic because they think its spooky. It's definitely possible that a human did this....but Ali is home almost all the time now because she is on disability until when or if she can return to work. They would have had to use a ladder in the hallway outside her bedroom door without her knowing....


  • Qcmbr

    lol at the cell phone.

    I think what I'm trying to say is that supernatural causes are the least likely to be correct out of all possible things. You have a fun task ahead of you Sherlock! Just remember though, anyone like a psychic has a vested interest in scaring the cr*p out of you and potentially the foldable cash from your wallet. Fear (and expectation) do funny things to our perception. Keep rational, logical and skeptical and enjoy the cheap rent(maybe you should play on this a bit with the landlord and say you'll leave if he /she doesn't drop the price hehe - just kidding ).

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I tend to agree with Free2bme's idea.

  • TD
    TD... The doors are secured by deadbolts

    Doesn't matter. The difference between a deadbolt and a livebolt is not in the lock cylinder/tumbler mechanism, it's in the bolt itself. A livebolt engages the strike simply with spring pressure and can easily be forced back when a flat object (Or even a credit card) is worked through the door casing. A deadbolt locks in the extended position and only retracts from the strike when the lock cylinder rotates, so it resists the more primitive methods of forcing it.

    In both cases, one good look at the key is all I would need and I'm not even a locksmith. (I'm tempted to draw a picture of a key and show just how obvious the tumbler sequence is once you understand the number of tumblers and the number of tumbler sizes in a given make of lock but I'm not sure that would be a good idea on a public forum.)

    The slip of paper in the door was just to illustrate the idea. There are easier and more sophisticated ways to do this. I probably should put all this in the context of someone that had a similar problem. I became convinced that someone was entering my home while I was gone and among other things was turning on a PC. (The Windows event log told me that much.) Once I determined that someone was really coming in the door it still took awhile to actually identify who it was. --It turned out to be a family member.

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