Phone Call From My Mother!

by Ranchette 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ranchette

    The last time I spoke with my mom was the middle of October.
    I called her that time.

    Many of you are familiar with the relationship problems I’ve had with my parents since I quit going to meetings almost a year ago. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the situation, you can do a search by clicking on the paper icon under my name to read up on what’s been going on.

    Anyway things were getting worse and worse and nothing good was coming from our discussions or letters.

    Since I was the one who called her last, I decided to see how long it would take for my parents to get a hold of me the next time.

    My mom even told me in the past that she wanted to limit her association with me. I am not DF’d or Da’d.

    Months pass and I finally get a message on my machine last night from my mother.
    So I returned her call and we just chatted and I caught her up on her grandchildren.
    She told me that she had something to discuss with me before she let me talk to my father.
    She said, “I want to know how my parents got the idea that we have had a falling out?

    She took me by surprise since the rest of the conversation had been so non- controversial.

    Anyway, I said, “I don’t know what you are talking about, I have never told my grandparents that we have had a falling out!

    (A little background for you, my grandparents are not JWs and have never been favorable.)

    My mother then said, “are you sure you haven’t said ANYTHING that would cause them to think we had a falling out?”

    I said, “mom, every time I speak to or write my grandparent they want to know when the last time was that I have heard from you. They also know I no longer attend meetings and that you are very disappointed that I have chosen to reject the way you brought me up.
    They know we aren’t as close as we used to be.”

    She said, “ I know you believe this is a cult but I don’t care what you believe, they are MY parents and I want you to leave them out of this!”

    My mother is not a reasonable person and I did feel like fighting so I just said, “I would never purposely say anything that would cause problems in your relationship with your parents, besides they already have their opinions about the witnesses anyway.”

    She then proceeded to say this,
    “ I want you to know that all those years you were growing up and you weren’t able to be close to your grandparents and you didn’t get to see them very much had ABSOLUTLY NOTHING TO DO WITH US BEING JEHOVAHS WITNESSES! DO YOU UNDERSTAND? NOTHING WHATSOEVER!!”

    I ignored that statement because I didn’t know what to say because that was the biggest lie I have ever heard!
    I just said, “Mom you know we aren’t as close as we used to be there’s no denying that.”

    We are just about to end our conversation when I say “ you told me that under the circumstances it would be best if we don’t have close contact and I think that is a good idea because I don’t want to cause you stress.”

    She then says, “I completely agree.”

    So she doesn’t want to have much to do with me even though we used to be very close.
    I will not lie to my grandparents about the nature of my relationship with my parents like she wants me too!!
    What a hypocrite!!

    She's just upset because she has been being dishonest and misleading her parents while I tell them how it really is.


  • Marilyn

    I haven't read the back ground on you, but the story of your phone conversation is unbelievable. You poor girl. I cannot believe the gall of your mother. She "wants her cake and eat it too". She doesn't want her parents to know what assholes JWs are - so she expects you to play her game and remain totally silent about how they (jws) treat their children that don't tow the line. What a hypocrite your mother is. She should face the consequences of her convictions - and if she is so convinced she is being fair and reasonable then let her explain and try to justify herself to her parents. Let her deal with the looks of disapproval and disgust on their faces!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Quite honestly I think you are being WAY too good to your mother. Firstly why don't you ask your mother why she trying to to pretend that all is well between you and her, to her parents? CAN'T SHE SEE WHAT SHE IS DOING? She is ashamed of her behavior (at another level she's ashamed) and she knows how terrible she looks in her parents eyes, so she wants YOU to cover it up for her, so she can do her JW thing and treat you like shit, without any reprecussions from her mommy and daddy! How sweet.

    Now, stop pandering to your mother and phone up your grandparents or go visit them and tell them how cruel and unloving your mothers religion is to you and people like you all over the world. I know coz I've been there. My parents were ashamed of the witnesses trying to make them shun me. They didn't tell anyone outside the witnesses because they knew full well how horrific it looked to the outside world. They would tell me to "keep it in the family" like it was some kind of dirty skeleton in our closet. AND SO IT WAS! How can leaving a belief system justify being shunned by one's family?

    Wallow in your grand-parents sympathy and draw close to them if they want you in their life. Why not be part of it - your mother doesn't want you! Then when your mother asks if you've been tattling to her parents again - tell her yes? Ask her what she's so ashamed of? Tell her that she doesn't want you and they do! Let her face the reality that she's created!!!!!!!!!!!

    I don't normally get so worked up about posts on here, but boy this has really annoyed me

    Best wishes

  • kheli

    It's amazing how someone once close to you can just 'turn off' their feelings toward you completely...and all because you've chosen a different path for yourself. Shame on your mother.

    But now you can take this opportunity to draw closer to your grandparents.

    Since I've left the org, I've been getting to know my 'worldly' family more intimately. I wouldn't trade that experience for anything.

    Good luck to you.


    If you can’t be a good example, then you’ll just have to be a horrible warning. -Catherine Aird

  • Latte


    I'm sorry, but I haven't had to time to read the history of this, however, I can relate to certain matters here. Just wondering if you could ask her just what contributed to such a distant relationship with her parents if it wasn't the fact you were all JW's?

    “ I want you to know that all those years you were growing up and you weren’t able to be close to your grandparents and you didn’t get to see them very much had ABSOLUTLY NOTHING TO DO WITH US BEING JEHOVAHS WITNESSES! DO YOU UNDERSTAND? NOTHING WHATSOEVER!!”
    It is truly aweful what you are having to deal with, not easy atall.
    I hope that somehow thing's will get better for you.


  • cornish

    Hello Raunchette
    Sorry to hear of your predicament,my relatives are the same,they like to pretend to my JW relatives that everything is fine and they do not treat me differently because I am not in the JWs now,deep down in their heart they no this behaviour of shunning is wrong otherwise why try to create an illusion for the non witness relatives,on the other hand could it be a concern on missing out on an inheritance or something by not keeping the right people happy,I have found in my experience that when it comes to money Jehovahs Witnesses are often very calculated.

  • Marilyn

    ::::::::::I have found in my experience that when it comes to money Jehovahs Witnesses are often very calculated.

    That's because they are generally much poorer than normal people. Thanx to "putting the selling of Watchtower books first". However although they are canny about inheritences - I think it's their intuition about how the shunning looks to others that makes them pretend in front of the rellies. Basically the lie.


  • Valentine

    Morning ranchette,
    I'm truly sorry you put up w/ Mom's behavior here.

    Seems she wants to have this sick control over what you do,to whom you speak. All for the 'good image' of the WTS.
    Bollocks! She's demanding that you live a double life,contribute to this lie on how they really treat family members who no longer go along w/ the cult.

    I'm w/ marilyn here,she has no control over you,don't let her have it. Visit these people.That was one of the first things I did upon leaving ,was re-connect to non JW family members. They were as happy as I was doing this!
    Re-connect w/ honesty.The Grandparents already know things are not right,let them know why. You'll find more empathy and support regarding this from non-Jw family memebres. I know I did.

    Show them you love and value them. This not only helps you have some type of family construct,it also shows them the totally repugnant nature and the sick dynamics of the cult to them. How in fact,they and their adherents have no true sense of family and love.
    Re-build your relationship w/ them,grow close! You deserve to have a sense of family.Mom has made her choice.You are an adult and free to make your own. You don't need her Ok,her permission,to do the right thing by your family,and that's having one!.
    Wishing you the best! hugs,Tina

    Todays Affirmation:
    The complete lack of evidence is the surest sign that the conspiracy is working.

  • JT


    Now, stop pandering to your mother and phone up your grandparents or go visit them and tell them how cruel and unloving your mothers religion is to you and people like you all over the world. I know coz I've been there. My parents were ashamed of the witnesses trying to make them shun me. They didn't tell anyone outside the witnesses because they knew full well how horrific it looked to the outside world. They would tell me to "keep it in the family" like it was some kind of dirty skeleton in our closet. AND SO IT WAS! How can leaving a belief system justify being shunned by one's family?

    Wallow in your grand-parents sympathy and draw close to them if they want you in their life. Why not be part of it - your mother doesn't want you!

    this is what we are doing now

    each week almost --we are inviting nonjw relatives to the house 6-8 at a time and beg them to forgive us for the way we have treated them and they always say WE LOVE YOU and then we explain to them the wt belief system

    when i tell them i was an elder and bethelite( they all know that jame gave up college to go to NYC for the church) i explain why as a black man i gave up a free college education, why we have no kids and why we limited out contact with them becasue they were WORLDLY

    the love and acceptance well out weighs any loss from WT world

    so GO FOR IT tell you grandparents

    in fact i would take this weekend to spend the entire weekend

    trust me on this point


    all you need to do is CONFIRM IT FOR THEM
    please i beg you please go see or call your grandparent'

    one of the things we are learning is that NONJW love unconditionally

    please go or call


  • ashitaka

    Hi Ranchy....

    That whole reason your mom called you was to find out what you said to her parents. Pure and simple.

    My wife's mother is the same way; snake-like.

    She'll invite her over to 'bake cookies' and lay into her halfway through a nice day.

    It used to make my wife sad, but now she just becomes coyly abrasive. It works. For the most part, they leave her alone, but sometimes they treat her like you're treated. It sucks, I know.

    The guilt is control, the JW catch words are control, the JW caste system is control, that's the whole reason for religion period. It's a shame that your mom is so affected by it.

    Question, though. Do you think your mom would be as angry, mean, etc, a person if she wasn't a witty?


  • Julie

    Greetings Ranchette,

    I can wholly empathize with you regarding your mother. While I have never been a JW (as many here know, I merely came close) I have had similar fallings out with my own mother. It seems after dad died many truths started to sink in. Confrontation followed, in the form of letters. Letters that asked her why did she do this and that? Why was she so evil? Does she have any idea the harm she cuased?

    In the sickest thing ever she had my twin brother (her worst victim by far) call me to defend her. I could see right through the manipulation of this tactic. I wrote her again admonishing her for still abusing my brother in this way.

    Well all her replies amounted to about the same excuses, I remember things wrong, my dad and grandma made all decisions (believe me she called *all* the shots), pretty much every finger pointing, scape-goating thing she could think of. Then, the grande finale', that last ditch effort to buy affection (as is her way-since she feels no true affection)--she signs off her last letter with "don't cut off your nose to spite your face". Like I am going to keep swallowing her lies and evil in order to maybe get some inheritance!!! ROFL!! It might be worth considering if she hadn't pumped everyone's inheritance (seven digits here) into slot machines in Vegas. Oh I got a chuckle out of that last bribe attempt.

    Other than that though I merely realize how evil she is and what a narcissist she truly is. She is never wrong, every "good" thing she ever did was so she could be noticed and praised for it, she lies constantly and cannot bring enough attention to herself, damn everyone else (unless it provides opportunity to *look* good).

    I know what it is like to realize ugly truths about your own mother. I well know the pain of realizing you are better off in your life without your mother. I guess the pain that will never go away is that it is curable and was unnecessary for us all to go through.

    You have my sincere empathy--

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