A Bethel Memory #15 - The hangermen also die

by LivingTheDream 42 Replies latest members private

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    Thanks Living the Dream for all of your great stories.

    None of what you said was made up and you did not just dream it. Even though I was there ten years latter then you, almost all of your stories were things that happened to me only in different ways. I am so glad that you are writing them as it makes me feel less crazy because I thought I had made some of this up myself.

    I totally remember the hangermen. When I was there I thought there were two of them but I could be wrong. I do remember hearing that the young brothers were sent there to work when they hurt themselves playing sports.

    Just love your stories.


  • WingCommander

    That's creepy, now I want to hear about, "The Lawnmower Man". I heard that there was this guy at Brooklyn Bethel who did nothing but ride around on a lawn mower mowing the grounds, tending to the landscaping, etc. He may have died, not sure.

    I am with the above posters; I love reading your experiences. I myself never attended Bethel, but listening to your and other members stories reaffirms for me that I myself was NOT crazy for NOT wanting to go there. From what I heard it was robotic, and even as a child it seemed odd-ball and 1984-ish.

    I am so glad I didn't let these junior janitor retards talk out of my (now) future and life just to spend it in servitutude to these bastards!!!

    - Wing Commander

  • laverite

    Hey LivingTheDream, you have a PM.

  • jookbeard

    I reckon the lawnmower man would have been a lovely job

  • LivingTheDream


    Sorry, I never met the Lawnmower Man myself, never heard of him to be exact. Isn't there a movie by that name? Anyway, I wouldn't be surprised that there were many old guys and gals that haunted the Bethel halls that were given various duties to make themselves useful. Actually, I kind of like the idea of using the older folks to get things done. I mean, mowing lawns is a reputable trade. I'm not so sure about fixing hangers though, that seemed to push the usefullness issue a bit. From these posts here responding to my story, it seemed there might have been more than one Hanger Man as it was. Strange stuff. I only met the one.

    Also, since Lawnmower Man worked outside with "real" people, I bet he wasn't a mean, mumbling drunk that had to be hidden in a basement.


  • greenhornet

    I remember the lawn mower man. His name is Tom Combs. He gave a talk in my cong. when I was a kid. He stayed in our spare bed room back in the 60s.

  • JRK

    Was he Gondor? In the darkest depths of Mordor?


  • JRK

    I am looking forward to "Welcome to New York, now F off."


  • LivingTheDream


    I was actually polishing up "Welcome to New York, now F**k off" right before checking this board. However, I want to post a more serious one before that one and need to work on it sometime this week...


  • elderelite

    Living, Just wanted to express my appreciation again for these stories... shared experiances by sooo many bethelites, and so well told

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