A Bethel Memory #15 - The hangermen also die

by LivingTheDream 42 Replies latest members private

  • peacefulpete

    Was he also the nutty fellow who wore paper hats he made? I never had to work with him but do recall others having similar experiences as you.

  • Liberty93

    A guy who ran the animal killing?

  • yelloeteady

    good story

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    LTD, when I was there and tore up my knee playing ball, they put me in a room near the food lockers and had me peel veggies, etc. for several days. I don't think a hager room existed at the time (mid sixties).

  • blondie

    Yes, Liberty, killing the hundreds of chickens, pigs, beef cattle....at the time I was out in New York, Bethelites had to work on the chicken line...I can't remember his official title.

    People who raise the animals

    People who kill them

    People who butcher them (cut them up into smaller pieces)

    People who eat them

    I saw the cage that held the cattle and shot a bolt into their brain....

  • rebel8

    That was really, really funny

    How creepy that they call factory supervisors "overseers". I guess they have to insert in-group language into everything. My flesh is crawling, just a little bit.

  • hemp lover
    hemp lover

    I met Hanger Man when I was a little girl. My uncle has been in Bethel since 1967 and he'd always take us to the "off the beaten path" places that you don't get to see on the regular tours. I remember for years afterward how my mom would tell the story of poor Hanger Man to anyone and everyone - "Isn't it wonderful how Jehovah provides jobs for the old people instead of putting them out to pasture like they do in the world?" It really was a dark, dungeon like room - normally I loved the tunnels, but that was just creepy.

    I love your stories - keep 'em coming, please.

  • LivingTheDream

    Hemp lover,

    I was tickled pink to hear that more than one person actually remembers this guy and some people can probably put a name with the face. I'm smiling over here thinking that your mom ALSO had a Hanger Man story. Of course, she didn't have to work with the guy. In thinking back about my Bethel experiences, I sometimes even wonder to myself if this all happened to me or did I dream it? Your message confirmes I wasn't going out of my mind.


    To Hemp lover and all who have encouraged me to continue with my stories,

    First, much appreciated. I've been feeling the love and this has been a blast for me.

    I have a few stories left in me yet, but I'll have to pace myself a bit on getting the next ones out though. My wife, who is a published author, has been helping me with how to put my ideas together. I actually read my stories to her to get her input. She's my biggest critic but probably my biggest fan too and vice versa (I've helped her with her books). One thing she has advised me to do is to pace myself. She says that what she does is to definitely write down your basic ideas when the muse hits, but then she paces herself on the polishing and publishing part.

    So, I probably will be only putting out my stories on weekends from here on out as I've been neglecting some personal things these last few weeks as it is.

    Here are previews of coming stories I have jotted down basic ideas for from my recollections. I hope to put these into a story each week. The working titles are:

    • Big Tex
    • False advertisements for a fake future that will never happen
    • Welcome to New York, now f**k off
    • I see loser quitter dead people
    • Seven brides for seven sorcerers


  • laverite

    LivingTheDream -

    I love the stories. I could be wrong, but I fremember correctly there was one homophobic thing in one of them that scared me at first but they have been so awesome and fun to read. I love your writing style! You are one talented writer.

    Is there any way for you to pull all of them together as a collection and ask Barbara Anderson if she would be interested in putting them up on Watchtower Documents? They should all be located in one place with an index page or something like it so anyone and everyone who is interested can read them, one after the other.

    Thank you so much for sharing these experiences and your delightful writing with us.

  • AnnOMaly

    Here are previews of coming stories I have jotted down basic ideas for from my recollections. I hope to put these into a story each week.

    Can hardly wait!

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