A Bethel Memory #3 - Hey, let's welcome the new guy by maiming him!

by LivingTheDream 26 Replies latest members private

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    When I was at Bethel in the early 90's there was some stuff like that going on in the construction world at 90 Sands. It all just seemed so stupid to me as I was a sister, but it was the young brothers doing it to each other. Someone put dish soap in the coffee cup of one brother after he had done something stupid to one of them. The brother who got the soap had taken a huge gulp of coffee and drank it before he realized it was soaped, he was beyond mad, but he had been doing stupid things to others so I was like what do you expect to happen.

    Blondie I had never heard that story before how sad for the family of Oved, I wonder if they are still JW now? Thanks for sharing the story with us.


  • the-illuminator81

    If I learned about Bethel hazing while I was still a true believer, that would have definitely made me have doubts.

  • Joliette

    OMG Bethel is freakin nuts! House of God my ass!

  • LivingTheDream

    All those who brought up the gay issue,

    I was well aware of the stories about the problem with homosexuality in Bethel at the time of my going there. It turns out that Brooklyn Heights area was a well know gay area and some brothers must have gotten into it after years of celibacy at the House of God. Who knows? I can say for a fact that I never personally saw anything like that.

    What I wanted to make clear here is that I never felt at the time that those bullies were trying to see if I was open to some sexual play or that these guys were gay. I was not trying to imply that in my story. I'm not saying these guys weren't queer, I'm just saying that I never got that vibe either.

    Personally, I just think they were bullies.

    Sorry if that makes the story less interesting.


  • LongHairGal


    I might have read about your nightmarish spanking story once before. But I am glad you are telling it again for all the newbies who need to hear these things.

    I will give you the answer I probably gave you then: the brothers who did this to you have SERIOUS issues. They are lucky you didn't pay them back with the serious revenge they deserve. Probably the reason your story hits home with me is that I remember being a little child and having (non-JW parents) insensitive of my modesty. One time in a doctor's office, my idiot of a mother (God rest her soul), encourages the perv doctor to look down my panties for some reason. I was mortified and always wondered if my mother was getting 'off' on it in some way. I was glad when I was old enough to defend myself. It isn't funny to have an adult try to do anything like this to a child - whether as a sick joke or otherwise.

    As far as the other sick bethel stories, all I have to say is that none of this sounds remotely Christlike and I cannot help but wonder what kind of awful twisted thinking goes on the heads of some of the stupid people in this idiotic religion. Do they imagine, in their arrogance, that they can DO anything and get away with it? Or, perhaps even be rewarded for it? Sounds like cultic, secretive institutions have sick behavior like this going on. If somebody dares to complain, some arrogant idiot (with serious issues of his own) will say: what's the matter, can't you take it?

    This religion has only been around a little over a century. Can you imagine what atrocities would exist behind closed doors if it were around for several hundred years?

  • confuzzled777

    I had not seen this one yet......thanks again for sharing! Who knew this type of behavior would be at Bethel when they give examples in the publications and at assemblies about hazing at the colleges in an effort to keep the young from wanting to pursue an education....... (wow that was a long run-on sentence!)

  • jgnat

    The dynamics of bullying is interesting, especially in the context of the "house of God". Here we have an organization that claims to be happier, purer, and in greater harmony than any other organization on earth. Yet this subset of bullies acted the same as we would find anywhere.

    A revelation for me when reviewing stats http://www.barna.org/ on evangelicals, that people behave same everywhere. Same divorce rates, etc. etc. etc. Despite their claims, "holy" organizations behave just like the rest of us.

    Which is a most humanizing thought.

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