Tyrant of a wife!

by whatistruth 74 Replies latest jw friends

  • laverite

    CB - that is brilliant!

  • Stealth

    My ex used to act much in the same way, and even threatened divorce on a regular basis. After 18 years, I had enough even though I owned a home and had 3 children in teens. I told her one day, the next time you threaten to divorce me, I will walk out that door and never come back. It worked for just about a year (that was a long time) then she did it and I walked out that night.

    I spent the time until then getting my ducks lined up in a row. Yes, I took a big financial hit, but as my lawyer said, it is just short term... In 5 years you will be better off financially then her, in 10 years.... and in 15 year... and he is right. I now own a new home and she lives in a travel trailer even though I walked away from our home and let her have 100% of the equity. There is no amount of money in the world that is worth living with this on a daily basis. You will be better off in the long run. I know first hand.

    Prov 21:9,19 - I remember one time, during one of her bitching sessions, I walked out of the house, put the ladder up and went and sat on the roof. When she eventually found me and wanted to know what the hell I was doing up there, I told her to go read Prov 21..... she got the point, but still did not help in the long run.

    Fast forward 10 year, I have a new life, wonderful wife, we love and respect each other and have never been happier. My ex is still the same misserable bitch that she always was, crazy and can't find a man that wants anything to do with her on a long term basis.

    If you don't work directly for a Jdub, you can excape the cult without having to move too far away. Just transfer to another hall where you know very few people in another close by town have your card transfered and after attending a few meeting, stop going, they may call on you once or twice, but in general if they don't know you very well the new congregation won't put too much effort into getting you to come back. The fade away and enjoy your new life. Best of luck!

  • whatistruth
    I would record her yelling and screaming. Then you can show the elders IF she decides to bring you before a committee, she cannot lie what is videoed. Then they can see why you left her.

    I understand where you are coming from but I do not one damn about the window washers with an attitude (The Elders) in my hall whatsoever. They can think whatever they want, because when I leave everything in that cult stays way behind.

  • whatistruth
    The fade away and enjoy your new life

    I'm not going to fade away I am going far away where no one knows me at all. To never ever step into a kingdumb hall ever again. It has just brought me many years of misery.

  • whatistruth
    Your chains are in your head.

    Great point Lisa, I have to get everything in order and just do it. I know I have to, or there will be dire consequences for myself. Thank you.

  • Satanus

    Consider all the crap you are getting as signs that you are not in the right place for you. You need to take steps to get to where it is right for you. When you are in the right place at the right time, you will feel good about yourself.


  • whatistruth

    Thanks Sat!!!

  • flipper

    WHATISTRUTH- I sympathize with you my friend. I was married for 19 years to an absolutely insane JW woman. She refused to get help from a psychiatrist to help her bi-polar mood swings. Like your wife told you , mine said the same thing " Getting counsel from counselors is from Satan ! "

    I don't know if you have any children with this woman - but even though I had teenagers- I just couldn't handle being married to her anymore. You reach your breaking point. I have a feeling you are coming close to your breaking point. There is a saying that " the weak try to break down the strong " and I feel that's what my ex-wife tried doing to me. Before your wife does that to you , my advice, get your freedom buddy. Don't continue living in unhappiness. Unless your wife gets professional psychiatric counseling for her abusive, anger fueled ways- she's NOT going to change. Been there, done that myself with a wacko ex. Move on is my advice, unless your wife humbles herself to get help. Take care and good luck to you ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • whatistruth

    Appreciate it alot!!! Thanks so much Flipper. What you say makes much sense and you lived it. Thanks again

  • designs

    D.I.V.O.R.C.E..........Tammy Wynette

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