I'm going to end my "bible" study

by KristiKay 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • SnakesInTheTower


    welcome to the board. Of course, now that you are dumping the witnesses, you have no reason to be here. Kidding, of course.

    I was deep in the witnesses before I left 4 years ago. I come here now for the social interactions about non-dub things and only occasionally comment on JW things. So I hope you stay around and share your regular life.

    I keep in mind that my JW mom is deep into this cult. She lives in the south now (Alabama) and, now that she is retired, goes door-to-door constantly, much to the dismay of her non-JW husband (my stepdad). For my mom, she believes the Witnesses to be "The Truth™" even with her doubts about the Organization itself. She keeps "Waiting on Jehovah®" (a phrase the JWs like to toss around when they can't explain bad behavior within their ranks) to fix the problems within the cult. She has "Bible" studies with people like yourself. For many of them, it is a social call, especially the elderly women she studies with -- my mom is a breath of fresh air and is truly kind and thinks she is doing what is right. But these people (her "return visits" and "Bible Studies") are never going to become Witnesses.

    So just be nice to your JW visitor. I am sure you will. She could be my mom. They are someone's mom.

    Snakes (Rich )

    ps.... shred the literature and recycle it -- don't throw it away. Landfills are full enough as it is. lol

    pss... ignore OBVES -- they provide comic relief (**insert gag smiley**).... I like your response to him/her -- weird that poster is popping up again.

  • Lozhasleft

    Kristi - Big welcome to the forum to you. Well done on being so astute with your researching. I agree that you should write down all your findings in a letter to the witness lady....that way you dont have to feel bad saying what you think but you are still getting the chance to open her eyes and her mind...possibly. You could offer to stay friends with her if religion is left out of it ...of course she wont be allowed to pursue that anyway. I think I'd also mention how you felt about the CO's wife...maybe then the arrogant woman will have to face the consequences of her rudeness.

    Loz x

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours


    Pour your heart out in prayer to Jehovah in the name of his Son Jesus Christ.

    Stopping your Bible study will not make you happy; just the same as leaving God's Organization hasn't made happy the vast majority of posters here, bitter and mostly plagued with problems they've created for themselves.


  • Sayswho
    MADS--You are making a wise decision. Try not to blame the JW, though. She is indoctrinated in a way that even she doesn't understand. Some researchers call it "thought reform" and others call it "mind control." Whatever you want to call it, she is conditioned to think, feel, and act a particular way and to immediately put up barriers when that way is threatened. The mother organization behind the JWs, The Watchtower Society, is to blame, not the individual JWs themselves.
    I hope you can help this woman a little and then get yourself OUT.



  • Qcmbr

    KristiKay -

    leaving God's Organization hasn't made happy the vast majority of posters here, bitter and mostly plagued with problems they've created for themselves

    or you could of course rejoin your study and learn how to be a judgemental, hypocritical bore.

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