Who Was Your Favorite Speaker?

by minimus 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom

    Charles Valorz (DO in the USA, currently in California. Instructor for the MTS school as well).

    Great at reasoning and visualization in his presentations.

    From what I gather, after the death of his wife a little over a year ago, his health and the sparkle in his eyes have being going downhill pretty fast.

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)

  • Finally-Free

    Anyone who sucked at sense stress and modulation was fine with me. I enjoyed the snooze.


  • minimus

    FF LOL

  • NewYork44M

    I attended the Brooklyn Heights congregation for a few years when Eric Beveridge was the WT conductor. I found him to be arrogant and an asshole. He seemed to almost have a cult following. You could see the sisters holding on every word and when he said something funny or profound the audience would respond with spontaneuos appaluse, laughter or other verbal responses.

    It was like attending a one-man-show.

  • watson

    We need a "like" button. FF,

  • minimus

    I don't like the last name Beveridge. (FF would like that).

  • monkeyman

    Wow, Paul Illingsworth is mentioned three times??? Holy cow. I heard him and he's verrry good. I list him third next to these guys.

    1. David Ianelli- he is currently in the writing department but I only can tell his writings (WT articles) on occasion. He was awesome on a congregational level.

    2. Chuck (Charles Valorz) This guy was amazing on a Circuit level. Never heard anyone hold 2000 people in the palm of his hand like Chuck. Very good on Congregational level too.

    District level. Nobody. District level talks are boring.

    Nathan Knorr??????????????????/ R U kidding me?? Nathan Snore IMO. He was terrible. Fell asleep at War Memorial during his talk.

  • sooner7nc

    I can remember the following COs and DOs from my childhood:





    Wischuk for a DO I beleive.

    After that I can't remember because I really put a halt to my attention paying.

    Of all these COs and DOs and all the local yokels and all the Bethel members that I heard speak at conventions the only one I enjoyed hearing was Joe Beleza, a big bald Italian with a deep penetrating voice.

  • jookbeard

    from the UK David Carter would have made a fortune as a motivational speaker in "the world" although I could not stand the little idiot M Purbrick was very accomplished, as was Denis Ashby, like wise 2 idiots from a neighbouring cong Ray Barker and Dave Churchill( served on my JC and assassinated my personality) I heard my father was in demand as a VS as were a selection of the elders from my cong. Peter Ellis was very smooth as was a guy called Andrews, was it always a status symbol to give the latter talks on the final session of the final day at the Twickenham Convention?

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