JW email doing the rounds (GAG alert)

by billyboy 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • WTWizard

    What your week would be with Jehovah?
    With Jehovah our week would be:
    Sinday, Mournday, Tearsday, Wasteday,
    Thirstday, Fightday & Shatterday.
    Remember seven days WITH Jehovah makes

    One WEAK!!!

    Sinday: You are sinning by spreading the lies and ruining others' lives. Minding everyone else's business is also sinful.

    Mournday: You mourn the fact that you wasted the weekend in field circus and have nothing to show for it.

    Tearsday: Tears about the fact you have a great big boasting session instead of seeing your TV show or relaxing. Children also have to stay up past their bedtime, depriving them of a chance to get decent grades in school. Alternatively, you have Family Waste the Evening night and need to waste the time on boring crap.

    Wasteday: Going out in field circus is a waste.

    Thirstday: You get thirsty while out in field circus all the time. You are also tired, and children with a Thursday boasting session get the privilege of not having time to study for tests, ensuring that they will flunk.

    Fightday: Always fighting to keep the congregation busy wasting their whole week, and to prepare for yet another weekend of wasted time.

    Shatterday: The morning sleep (or cartoons, relaxation, or play time) is shattered by field circus.

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