first christmas

by serein 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • breathing

    ""You can make Christmas as big a production or as little as you choose, there is no right and wrong way to do it per say."" i like the words above that psacremento wrote, try not to force yourself into corners, ive done that andits hell, ive had years where ive had trees, years where ive felt to scared too, i felt like the devil to be honest, the first year i had a little tree, as my family found out reacted very badly to me even though im a fader too.

    i find that the tiny miny trees have been a halfway house for me, and i have winter berries and holly and white lights around, so it feels cosy and wintery not too xmasy but i do have all my cards up from all my lovely friends and neighbours and i feel quite strong abuot my small standing up for my decisions now.

    dont force yourself, there will be another year,

    just try and be happy and have fun with your kids whatever you decide, play some games, and have a laugh,

    for me, xmas aint ever going to mean what it does to some of my friends that had the traditions from infancy, but there are things im beginning to like about the season,

    im still scared about having a big tree, so i dont have one, i do the things that dont cause me stress, and each year it gets a bit better, some could say its a cop out me not standing up to my fear, but i choose theoption that gives me less stress on this one, you cant face all your fears and old conditioning in one go. and believe me we have enough shit to face after leaving that religion without piling the pressure on,

    i love sending all my lovely neighbours cards, choosing my lovely friends presents that i know they will love, ihave a couple of neighbours in for drinks and natter and eats, i visit family that arent jws and let my hair down, i go to one or two xmas parties,

    for me its about a time of friendship and caring and community, so aslong asyou get some of that into your xmas, dont worry about the specifics!!

  • breathing

    and if your motive is to give your kids happiness and love how can what you do be wrong? do you think that if there is a god he is that petty and small minded?

    or wont he see the big picture and just be smiling that you are showing love and care to your family?

  • sacolton

    If the angels rejoiced to celebrate the birth of Christ ... it should be good enough for humans. True, we don't know the exact day that Jesus was born, but it was not forbidden to express our thanks that a Savior was born to us.

    Luke 2:13-15 13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, 14 Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

    That's what Christmas is all about. To give glory to God, peace on earth and goodwill toward mankind.


  • mrsjones5

    how did u lot feel when u first did christmas?

    I felt free. I had just married my husband (Dec 5) about a week later I turned to him and said we should get a Christmas tree. That was almost 18 years. We've had a lot of good memories since then especially after the kids came along.

  • PSacramento
    That's what Christmas is all about. To give glory to God, peace on earth and goodwill toward mankind.

    Quite correct, anything else is really just "window dressings".

  • meangirl

    Me too!!!! I am soooo excited! I haven't celebrated Christmas for 23 years!!!! This will be my daughter's (who is 10) first Christmas ever!!! My husband is not going to participate. Even though he has not been to a meeting in three years Christmas is something he is not comfortable with right now. I respect that. Just as I don't want to be forced into NOT celebrating Christmas I will not force him TO celebrate it. I discussed it with my daughter and asked her how she felt about it and she liked the idea. We are going to decorate a small tree with a Disney theme and then I am going to go buy her some presents. I am planning on making homemade ornamets and basically it will be a bunch of craft projects for her and I to do together. I am leaving the religious aspect out as I do not feel comfortable with that. I am also thinking about me and her volunteering to help feed the homeless or something like that on Christmas day as well. I plan on making an awesome dinner on that day too.

    Here is my reasoning. I gave a baby shower for a sister when I was an active witness. FOr the centerpiece I actually spray painted some tree branches white and put them in a vase. Then I hung silver baby spoons, forks, etc. with ribbon from the branches and it was beautiful. I had so much fun doing that. I knew that I was not worshipping that centerpiece when I did that. To me it will be the same with the tree this year. Just something fun to do with my daughter. Honestly, I think hubby will come around as time goes on. He is a born in and I know it is difficult for him. But hey we celebrated birthdays now and heck we were at the mall this past Saturday night and the mall started handing out candy for Halloween and I told my daughter to go get some candy. He had fun looking at all the costumes too. Even though my daughter was not dressed up she still had fun getting the candy.

  • sacolton

    After I disassociated, my wife was still in, but fading. I asked her to help me decorate the tree and she was reluctant at first, but started to enjoy it. She now (disassociated) loves to sing Christmas songs and decorate for Christmas. Her whole outlook in life is very different from her JW upbringing that she is more vibrant, happy and spiritual.

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