first christmas

by serein 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • serein

    so its my first and im feeling uncomfortable, i want to go ahead and do it,

    all the trimmings everything but i havnt done it in 20 years and it still feels weird,

    anyone else ever had this prob when they first left jws,

    im a fader and im writing a letter in a bit to and sending it to elders telling them im not coming back and to leave me alone,

    so iv not gone in like a year now,

    how did u lot feel when u first did christmas?

  • mamalove

    My first one too, I'll let you know!

  • cantleave

    Our first one ever - feels wierd to think about it. We are having a table top top tree and minimal decorations.

  • serein

    im having abit of a prob with having a tree duno why if im gona be celebrating it anyways,

    i just think everything else is ok exept for the tree,

    iv gota get a grip

    and my son whos 19 isnt to pleased wi me doing it even thoe he is a hypocrit and hasnt been hall for like a year either and never went that often anyways and hasnt been baptized and sleeps wi hi girlfreind and everything else but hols he wont do,

    i know its all my own doing brainwashing him since birth poor lad

    hes even mad that im on here

    what to do.......

    iv got like kids much older adults now and then kids real young to so i wana start wi christmass make it cool for em and not upset the older ones to much cos they dint get to do it ever,

    iv been looking at loads of cool stuff for decoration its all so pretty,

    and iv got loads of pressys allready,

    its the decor im worried about iv never done ,

    as i was a youngen when i got married and hadnt decorated for xmas befor as id never had my own home befor 19,and thats when i stoped xmas feel dead old now and lost out of it not used to doing it at theres some of u who have never done it yet,

  • serein

    infact its been more than 20 years its been like 22 years

  • factfinder

    I've never really had Christmas as my family are Jewish. But when I see all the Christmas decorations people have on their homes and the Christmas trees in their windows it looks so nice and cozy. Families getting together with friends, nice turkey dinners, opening gifts Christmas mornings- the whole thing seems so nice and cozy and I feel I missed out on all of it. Now I'm no longer a witness but it does not get celebrated here anyway.

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    My family no longer has any reason NOT to do the holidays.

    We're going all out for Christmas since this will be our first as well. We didn't necessarily plan on doing holidays when we were leaving but now it's kinda like, well, the kids will enjoy it and it's not going to hurt anyone.

    That said, we have been explaining to our oldest the origins but she knows we are neither religious nor superstitious. And saying "Happy Halloween" felt awkward (from 30 years of WT programming) but we pushed through it.

  • breakfree

    This will be our first Christmas also. We are all very excited. My husband and I have already discussed with the kids that we do not want it to be all about the gifts. I mean, there will be gifts and we will enjoy opening them together, but we are looking forward to the traditons we begin as a family. I can't wait to go pick out the perfect tree together. To bring it home and decorate it and then admire how beautiful it is. We want to hang pretty lights outside. We have always enjoyed driving through neighborhoods admiring all the lights and decorations.

    SBC - It felt awkward for me to say "Happy Halloween" too. It got easier as the night went on though

  • PSacramento

    You can make Christmas as big a production or as little as you choose, there is no right and wrong way to do it per say.

    It's about sharing love, about hope, about family and about giving and as long as those things are present, then it is Christmas regardless of Tree, gifts, turkey or any other of the material things.

  • serein

    the reason i have such a big deal about it is cos im still religiose not in a jws sense,

    and i want to do whats right,

    i was looking on internet last night about christmas its origins and all the other religions that dont do it

    and that has now put me off it,

    its all screwing with my head i want to do it feel its ok cos its just somthing for the kids and then i like all the trimings that comes with it,

    then i think nooooooo its all wrong i cant, my heads messed up,the closer it gets the more i duno what to do,

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