How long before The Watchtower goes bankrupt and vanishes?

by VM44 50 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • VM44

    I believe there was a book about The Watchtower that was called "Game Over"

    Anyone ever read it?

    It is quite rare to find.

  • agonus

    Time will tell if the WT has really "gotten away with" the new generation teaching or not.

    But one FACT remains:

    In four more years, it will be the centennial of Jesus' "invisible return".

    How many dubs do you think will be happily celebrating that milestone if Armageddon STILL hasn't come yet? Unless they dump the date's significance entirely. Remember, the whole point of the new "generation" teaching was NOT to "weaken" or diminish dates, i.e. 1914, but to reinforce it by buying themselves some more time. "Overlapping generations" implies a TIME period or CHRONOLOGY rather than a general description of a group of people, i.e. "the wicked" or "the anointed". It's, quite literally "those who saw those who saw 1914." Not worded that way of course but it's literally what the "overlap" means.

  • Bitch on Parade
    Bitch on Parade

    My kingdom hall just had a lavish and unnecessary renovation. They really went all out, adding stuff that wouldn't even be necessary if the hall was in bad shape, like interior columns and an entirely new, modern color scheme, including new granite counters. I had no idea the org was having money troubles until coming to this forum.

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    All the time they keep producing new books they have instant best sellers. 7 million copies, at least sold each time!!!

  • joe134cd
    I just thought I would bump this up in the updated section. We can see a hugh difference between what people were saying 6 years ago to now. My how things have changed for Wt and what people are speculating about them.
  • ToesUp

    For all of the Lurkers out there that are being held hostage by this organization, due to family and friends. VOTE WITH YOUR WALLETS. If you can't outwardly "stick it" to this organization that has abused and continues to abuse so many, DON'T DONATE! The best revenge is to hit em in the wallet!

    I think donations are down and doubts are up. That is a good thing!

  • RubaDub

    I would give them no longer than 6-8 weeks.

    Rub a Dub

  • DesirousOfChange


    Yep! That's how you hit them where it hurts the most.

    Besides, God doesn't really need your money!


    The greatest revenge is living a happy & successful life!

    (Thanks for resurrecting this post.)

  • Vidiot

    Bankruptcy and vanishing?

    Probably never completely.

    Significant decline, loss of tax-exemption, and fading into irrelevance?

    I'd be surprised if it doesn't happen.

  • Heaven

    I am my Father's POA (Power of Attorney). Over 5 years ago, I took over my Dad's finances. He had been giving the Borg tens of thousands of dollars every year! (and nothing to his grand kids btw).

    ALL of that came to a screeching halt when I took over. Botchtower has received nothing from him since that time. If more and more older ones who were giving substantial donations are no longer doing this, it must be taking a toll on their financial situation. Add in the lawsuits and the recruitment from poorer countries and the money just isn't there any longer.

    I suspect their financial models have been somewhat irresponsible as well. When you think the end of the world is coming imminently, why would you need to be frugal?

    It all adds up to financial downfall.

    But if this is God's organization, why isn't he ensuring their financial well being? And isn't money the root of all evil? Just one more thing that made me wonder about the whole money/religion thing (back then they used to charge a subscription fee for the ragazines).

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