How long before The Watchtower goes bankrupt and vanishes?

by VM44 50 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Snoozy

    With today's economy, I don't see how they can carry on for long. Property values are dipping everywhere it seems. One thing they did good on was get out of some of their property while the price was still good.

    As we know the people have been taught in the past that further education, thus higher earnings, are a taboo..thus they will be having lower income families in their congregations pretty soon.

    They won't be able to afford the Societies extravagant ways..

    Should be interesting..


  • metatron

    Bankruptcy is not the issue - unless some huge lawsuit is actually successful. The key point is what do they do if their economic model fails?

    They have survived for 130 years by printing their junk and getting contributions for it - and that model is failing. Can they go on while losing money on everything they print? Can they make up the difference with money from assemblies and estate property from dead Witnesses?

    I say they may downsize almost completely out of existence, not unlike how the Soviet empire fell.


  • jwfacts

    The figures that I posted show it is not that bad financially for the Watchtower. Back when they were selling magazines they were only getting around $20 per month per publisher, now they still get the much. That is not too much for the average Witness to donate, and less than what religions that ask for tithing get. Their main concern may be not growing too fast in poor countries, but then again, it is cheaper to operate in those countries.

    They have already cut back the printing costs by reducing the number of Awake issues, going 2 colour on the private Watchtower and softcover books. They can still cut back further in that area.

  • designs

    Exactly, do what other corporations do to conserve cash- layoffs and plant closings. They'll be around for awhile.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse
    There are 7.5 million witnesses and it's safe to say that the majority still beleive it's the truth and contribute.

    I highly doubt that.

  • metatron

    For the past decade (and longer), I have observed various people defend the economic foundation of the Watchtower. During that time, I have also observed one serious cutback after another - subscriptions, the Awake, the kool-aid Watchtower, Bethel layoffs and more.

    Currently, they are dumping Branch Offices and their employees and selling off a few Assembly Halls here and there.

    If you think they are so invincible, tell me when this downsizing process ends. With the world sinking into a depression, I don't see them stopping now - especially with unemployed window washing Witnesses unable to contribute.

    Their economic model is fading away. Speculate on what happens next....


  • jwfacts

    No doubt not being able to sell magazines has hurt and led to serious downsizing. I imagine there will be further cutbacks on literature, and also the encouraging of members to print their own magazines from as a way to save further money. However, other religions survive without needing to sell literature in order to get donations.

    I think the bigger issue is going to doctrinal, as 1914 become less and less relevant. Financially, they will struggle more over time because the affluent, educated Americans will be less likely to convert, whilst the poorer, uneducated ones continue to.

  • JRK

    It will probably take a few more overlapping generations.


  • smiddy

    I don`t think the" 1914 " doctrine will be as big a problem as people seem to think.If the spin doctors can twist the" generation"doctrine around the way they did and get away with it, without to much fuss ,then 1914 wont really be an issue for them,they will just put some new twist to it.


  • smiddy

    And no, their is no chance they will go bankrupt in the very near future.


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