What do y'all do on your JW baptism anniversary?

by serenitynow! 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • dawntodaylight

    Well last year would have been my 1 year anniversary and the day went passed me I ddnt even remember. And my 2 year is coming up next month. And ill probably forget the day again. Its not important to me. I think I got baptised because it was the next step and I had doubts and I told the persOn who I was studying that I wasn't sure about it. Well when I was talking to an elder one day after the meeting about maybe getting baptized he goes and tells me "well, sister how much field service time have u had? First thought in my head was "where in the bible does it say anything about reporting time as a prerequisite to baptism." Smh I should have listened to my gut feelings that I had. I WILL NEVER CELEBRATE THAT ANNIVERSERY!!!!!! I will be celebrating my birthday and I'm throwing a suprise Birthday party for my child!!! And I might even do christmas and easter and valentines day :)

  • antes8080

    brother dan great day to get baptize 420!!!!

  • nelly136

    apart from it being at camber the rest is an immemorable blur.

  • johnnyblazedog

    I dont remember or wish to remember-If I did remember i would celebrate with a BIG BONG toke and a few beers. I only got baptized to keep the fasad(SPelling??) going for my parents. I wish I could have gotten baptized on 420 !!! LOL

  • no lies please
    no lies please

    Wow, Serenitynow! What a coincidence that you posted this. Mine is today (10/22). I used to think of it as an important day. But this is the first year that it would probably have completely slipped my mind. But your post reminded me. Crazy coincidence.

  • VampireDCLXV

    I don't do much of anything. I DO have the date written down somwhere but it's now something I'd rather forget. Whenever February rolls around each year, I rue the day...


  • serenitynow!

    no lies- I hope I didn't bring up any bad memories, other than your baptism that is! lol

    I was thinking about doing something really anti-JW like go to a church or something, but it's on a Saturday, and I don't know of any services.

    I have been meaning to go the personal appliances store, maybe that's a good activity for tomorrow.

  • JeffT

    I rarely think about it. The day we mailed our DA letter has more meaning to me.

  • onemore

    I almost sent a DA letter on mine this year.

  • Nice_Dream

    I forgot about that date right after I got baptized! It means nothing to me, especially now, so I don't do anything special. I could watch a creepy video of me getting baptized that someone gave me, but that may bring back horrible memories.

    Maybe you could buy some Halloween candy or a costume just for fun? I love looking at all the costume stuff at the stores.

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