Woman Joke

by Frenchy 57 Replies latest social humour

  • Frenchy

    This one was sent to me by my OTHER daughter. What are they trying to tell me???

    > In the Hospital the relatives gathered in the
    > waiting room, where their family member lay
    > gravely ill. Finally, the doctor came in
    > looking tired and somber.
    > I'm afraid I'm the bearer of bad news," he
    > said as he surveyed the worried faces.
    > "The only hope left for your loved one
    > at this time is a brain transplant. It's an
    > experimental procedure, semi-risky and
    > you will have to pay for the brain yourselves."
    > The family members sat silent as they
    > absorbed the news. After a great
    > length of time, someone asked, "Well, how
    > much does a brain cost?"
    > The doctor quickly responded, "$5,000 for
    > a male brain, and $200 for a female brain."
    > The moment turned awkward. Men in the
    > room tried not to smile, avoiding eye contact
    > with the women, but some actually smirked.
    > A man, unable to control his curiosity, blurted
    > out the question everyone wanted to ask,
    > "Why is the male brain so much more?"
    > The doctor smiled at the childish innocence
    > and so to the entire group said, "It's just
    > standard pricing procedure. We have to mark
    > down the price of the female brains, because
    > they've been used."

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

  • larc

    You know Frency,

    These women are going to be on us like a duck on a june bug, and I'm going to make matters worse. Had this male type friend who got a sex change operation. I asked him/her if it was painful, he said no, not until the end of the procedure, when they sucked half his brain out.

  • RedhorseWoman

    Why are these posts listed under Humor....as jokes? These statements are true....absolutely true.

  • Simon

    Oh no...Angharad is gonna love these.
    Q. Why do women have smaller feet than men?
    A. So they can stand nearer the sink.
    Q. Why do women get married in white?
    A. To fit in with the other domestic appliances.
    OK, ok...I'm running...

  • Frenchy

    Simon! Your poor soul! You're dead meat!

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

  • Seven

    Simon, You have once again allowed yourself to be sucked in by Frenchy. I knew without scrolling down the list that Simon had already
    stepped in it. To Angharad: Q. Why did god create man? A. Because a vibrator can't mow the lawn.


  • RedhorseWoman

    Seven....consider this, however. A horse can mow the lawn very effectively, as well as fertilizing it....and it can give you transportation in ANY kind of weather or on ANY terrain (unlike certain "vehicles" dearly loved by TR that are limited as to their usefulness).

    Therefore, with a vibrator and a good horse.....well, the possibilities are endless!

  • Simon

    You know me Seven...I like to be predictable !
    Angharad has heard them all before...
    "she told me it took batteries because it was a torch but it didn't light up because the the bulb was missing and it buzzed because something was broken...hmmn?"

  • Angharad

    Love the joke Seven...

    To all the ladies: Simon has been dealt with

  • Angharad

    For Simon - dearest

    A software engineer, hardware engineer and departmental manager were on their way to a meeting in Switzerland. They were driving down a steep mountain road when suddenly the brakes failed. The car careened out of control, bouncing off guard rails until it finally ground to a halt along the mountainside.

    The occupants of the car were unhurt, but they had a problem. They were stuck halfway down the mountain in a car with no brakes.

    "I know" said the manager. "Let's have a meeting, propose a Vision,
    formulate a Mission Statement, define some Goals, and through a process of Continuous Improvement, find a solution to the Critical Problems and we'll be on our way."

    "No," said the hardware engineer. "I've got my Swiss army knife with
    me. I can strip down the car's braking system, isolate the fault, fix
    it, and we'll be on our way."

    "Wait," said the software engineer. "Before we do anything, shouldn't
    we push the car back to the top of the mountain and see if it happens

    Click http://www.bourbon.org/aol/women/dogs1.htm

    Edited by - angharad on 5 January 2001 18:35:57

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