KS10 Chapter Five Discussion

by yknot 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • donuthole
    Please note above that the books says, "nonrelatives" .

    Thanks faul! Reading have never been my strong point. So no change then you can still associate with DF'd relatives without JC repurcussions! Nice to know.

    Unrelated - does anyone have an idea why child abuse is sectioned under brazen conduct and not a category unto itself. (Or am I misreading again?)

  • leavingwt
    So no change then you can still associate with DF'd relatives without JC repurcussions! Nice to know.

    Please remember, however, that publishers (in general) are not aware of what the elders' book actually says. Thus, shunning of DF'd and DA'd family members is VERY common. Rigid shunning is very common, etc.

    Moreover, IF three elders want to DF someone, they'll find a reason to do it.

    Fear of being destroyed at Armageddon often trumps the fine print in this book.

  • undercover

    Ya'll are up to chapter 10? darn, I got some catching up to do...

    Thanks for the tidbit, LWT.

    From that reading it looks like they're letting up on witch hunts for associating with DFd relatives then. It used to be that once DFd, if they weren't living in the same house then there was no distinction between being related or not.

    Very slight but significant change.

    Is this to counter the critics of the religion that like to point out how families are made to suffer due to the shunning requirements?

    But then again... this book is supposed to be "eyes only" for elders, not the R&F. The everyday dubs will probably never know about this, but still be 'counseled' to not associate with their relatives on the threat of punishment.

  • leavingwt

    undercover: I could be wrong, but I don't think anything has changed.

  • undercover

    Maybe since it was so common to counsel/discipline people for associating with DFd relatives, I thought it was official policy.

    I'll have to check on the old book and see what it says...

  • BluesBrother

    Thanks Ynot...that is brilliant..Marking this thread for return and download..

  • undercover

    The OLD book:

    Normally, a close relative would not be disfellowshipped for associating with a disfellowshipped person unless there is spiritual association or an effort made to justify or excuse the wrongful course

    So, basically the same though the new book says that no JC meeting need take place.

    A sidepoint as I was looking for this...

    I had to scan through the old book to find the section on DFing and it really jumped out at me how the new book is much more legalistic and 'just the facts'. The old book was written in a way to at least fool the brothers into thinking that the GB was a kindly, friendly group writing this info in a way to help them and encourage them. This new book is just rules and regulations. I'm more sure of it than before - the Legal Dept. wrote or edited this book in a way to cover their asses legally.

  • straightshooter

    Thanks for the hard work in providing this information. It is interesting on the changes that have already been mentioned in this post.

  • antes8080

    am late could not download it damm it!!!! lottery tickets or gambling i allways taught if you bought a ticket you could be df but this summer convention they made it seem it whasen... Df for hanging out with ppl that are DF scary... they dont more ppl to open there eyes and leave the org...

  • Lady Viola
    Lady Viola

    Cannot download it anymore!

    I have sent you a PM, yknot...

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