Are you interested in Bible Congruence?

by sabastious 130 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • AGuest
    God does speak to us directly,

    (Sadly shakes head...)

    Peace, dear PSacto... and ears to hear who it truly is that speaks to us.

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,



    AGuest You have twisted my words on a number of threads and denied that you are trying to instruct others in the way of the lord. Now you start trying to correct, educate and berate PSacramento one of the kindness and most sincere fellow Christians on the forum.

    Soon your only support will come from forum administrators who seek to minimise the damage you are doing to yourself. The damage you do to your cause is another matter.

  • sabastious
    So why the Bible and not the Koran?

    Personally, I think Dr Phil's self help books are inspired by God.


  • SweetBabyCheezits

    What?? Are Dr Phil's books violent, too?

  • AGuest
    AGuest You have twisted my words on a number of threads and denied that you are trying to instruct others in the way of the lord.

    I am confused, dear Glad (peace to you!). I truly have not tried or attempted to twist your words and if you will point such occasions out I would most certainly explain further... or apologize... if I have done so. And I am confused as to why you take exception to the truth I pointed out to dear PSacto. God does NOT speak to us directly. Seriously. He doesn't.

    Now you start trying to correct, educate and berate PSacto one of the kindness and most sincere fellow Christians on the forum.

    I have certainly not tried to berate dear PSacto (peace to you!)... nor have I taken issue with his kindness - I absolutely agree with you! I also do not take issue with his sincerity. (I admit I am surprised to hear you call him a "fellow" christian - forgive me, but I truly did NOT know that you considered yourself a "christian" - I truly did not. Please forgive me!). I felt SADNESS for him... heartfelt. Because some here attack beliefs of others SO much... literally try to bully and beat it out of one... that some will let go... and say anything. Just to avoid it.

    I understand that... but only to a degree. I am probably much less of a Peter... than of a Lazarus. When others might flee... I would stand at the grave. NOT because I am so brave... but because I love him. If my Lord were my child, my brother, my father... my friend... I would have stayed. I know that, now, because I know him. So, I shared the truth with dear PSacto. Indeed, a truth every "christian" should already know... and teach. Regardless of what others might think... or say about him.

    Isn't saying that God speaks directly to us going right back to what the WTBTS teaches... that we don't even need to go through the "Door"... but can just enter before the Most Holy all on our own? Isn't that misleading? And shouldn't we, as "christians"... concern ourselves with speaking the "pure" language... which is TRUTH? Especially when it comes to God... and how He communicates with mankind?

    Or... should we be more concerned with garnering support... making "friends" as it were... even if that means NOT stating what is true? I truly do not understand that. Isn't that a compromise of one's integrity?

    Soon your only support will come from forum administrators who seek to minimise the damage you are doing to yourself. The damage you do to your cause is another matter.

    Dear, dear Glad... you misunderstand me. I am not trying to win supporters. I am not the kind of person that "goes along to get along"... if doing so means I have to lie. Been there... did that... for years. With the WTBTS. But I am NOT there any longer. So, surely, you're not suggesting that I couldn't say, for example, to dear "Brother JW"... "You know, Brother, the teaching that only the 144,000 are in the New Covenant is incorrect?" Sure, Brother JW might not like me saying it to him, but should I lie to him... or let him continue in HIS false teaching to others? True, he may never speak to me again, may even want to "expell" me. But for what, speaking the truth to him?

    That is not my assignment, dear Glad. I can't do it. As once told an employer (and I am sure you and others may have, too): I won't lie FOR you... because I won't lie TO you. Of course, the employer didn't like that - he wanted me to push his particular agenda. And he really believed that I could be a person that would lie FOR him... but not TO him. I have NO doubt, however, that if he had caught me in a lie TO him... he would have fired my hiney.

    I don't know how to not tell the truth anymore when it comes to God and Christ, dear Glad. Truly. I don't. I don't know HOW to lie about these things anymore. I simply don't. I did it... for many years... although I did not know it. Now... I know. Please... don't ask me to lie... to you... or anyone else... just to make you and such others "feel" better... and keep the peace. Surely, you all have had enough of that. I have.

    Again, I bid you peace.

    A slave of Christ,


  • AGuest

    Dearest PSacto... the greatest of love and peace to you! My sincere apologies if I offended you (I did not think I had, but...). I only shared the truth with you, which truth you already know (so why not state it as you know it?). I understand what it's like to have to field the "blows" of those who do not know what we know... believe what we believe... or hear what we hear. But... I think we're supposed to stand firm in those things. I understand tempering OUR "blows"... which is wise (and I am not always wise, truly); but I don't think changing what is true... to state what is NOT true... so that it is "palatable"... so that others are less likely to take issue and/or attack... is wise. Is it not like the "foolish" man who built his house upon the sand? If we will not stand firm... but instead say what is NOT true... just to "make peace"... won't we be inclined, at some point, to say "anything"... just to make peace?

    There is a saying: the man who stands for nothing... will fall for anything.

    We have a Rock, dear one. Lean on him... and do not let others' "pushings" undermine what you KNOW is true.

    Again, I sincerely apologize if I offended you (and you, too, dear Glad)... for that was not my intention, truly.

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • PSacramento


    When I say God speaks to us I should really be more clear.

    Just because I knwo that God speaks through Jesus who is God's Word, doesn't mean that everyone understands that when I say God speaks to us all that I mean that God speaks to us all through Jesus.

    I assume that is what you mean right?

    Everyone here knows that I am a Christian and that I feel I have a personal realtionship with God through my personal relationship with his Son Jesus Christ, so I kind of assume certain thinsg when I post and perhaps I shouldn't.

    I took no offence sweet sister :)


    Thank you my friend for your kind words but I understand Shelby and I understand what she meant :)

    At least I hope I do, LOL !!

  • tec

    That is what she meant :)


    Shelby, thank you for your comments. I have not taken offence and have not asked for, nor desire, an apology. It would take a great deal more than words on a forum to offend me. With regards to ‘fellow Christian,’ the comment refers to the Christian fellowship that you belong to.

    I am not going to start quoting chunks of redundant threads in an attempt to give examples of ‘twisting my words.’ What you tend to do with me and others, is dissect a post line by line and add so many words of your own, that the intention of the original post becomes distorted. You seem to view comments from people who don’t share your exact views as hostile, even when they are intended to be supportive or constructive.

    It’s only recently that I have started reading your threads due to their prominence on the board. As you receive so much attention, it could just be that I am guilty of trying to touch the hem of your outer garment in the hope that I might share some of the action. It seems I may be guilty of the very things I have accused you of, including a lack of humility. The significance of that is not lost on me.

    It’s not my intention to lecture you or act like an unelected board moderator. My motive has been to help you be more aware of yourself and your motives but I have failed to convey that to you through my words. In future I will refrain from making personal comments, either critical or supportive. That does not mean that will never comment on your subject matter.

    Instead I will concentrate on analyzing my own motives; ask what my reason for being here is and examine the flaws in myself. In short I shall mind my own business.

    Peace to you.

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Dang, I hope after 9 years on this board, I'm mature like Gladiator.

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