We Women Know How to Stretch a Dollar!

by snowbird 56 Replies latest social family

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    it's been in my dark wallet far longer than any of those moustachioed part timers could last

    That's nothing. Snowbird still uses Confederate money.(ducks and runs)

  • snowbird
    That's nothing. Snowbird still uses Confederate money.(ducks and runs)

    Hey! Come back.

    When we were kids, we actually found some in an abandoned house.

    Shoeboxes full!

    We took the notes home to Mama, don't remember what she did with them.


  • Gregor

    My great great family members were all southerners during the civil war. GGGdad was captured and consripted into the union army, sent out west to fight the indians.

    His wife with several children got something like $10.00 a month in aid.

  • snowbird

    Yep, Gregor.

    Try raising 13 kids on an annual income of about $480.00.

    Somebody was doing some serious s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g.


  • Gregor

    Try raising 13 kids on an annual income of about $480.00.

    That would barely feed a group like that for week today.

  • snowbird

    A week?

    It would barely feed 'em for a day!


  • Violia


    I feel your pain as I have adult children and mean that exactly like I typed it out.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    On the subject of supermarket shopping (although maybe a tad off topic) have you noticed how women will look for the best 'sell by/use by' dates, but men will just take the product at front of display (so will have limited time to eat it).

  • snowbird

    Yes, ma'am.

    Most men will simply pick up whatever is closest at hand.


  • The Finger
    The Finger

    My wife has never done the weekly shopping in over 25 years, she didn't even come with me. Having said that she doesn't do the cooking and when she did shop years ago she was totally broke until she met me. I think it should be "Some women know how to stretch a dollar"

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