Is there anything that could actually bring down this farce of a religion?

by stuckinamovement 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • moshe

    Want to bring down the WT religion? You will have to change the quiet ex-JW, into ex-JWs who will stand up for themselves and speak out publicly about WT abuse of family- even if it means to be shunned for going public. We have maybe a million ex-JWs who are just acting like doormats- will human nature ever change? Personally, if the WT did away with shunning and dropped their murderous no-blood transfusion dogma they could almost get some respect- oh, one more thing- stop ringing people's doorbells on Saturday morning.

  • LockedChaos

    Aliens Landing and saying

    "It Was Really Us All Along.........LOOSERS"


  • koolaid-man
  • cameo-d

    "It is Permitted"

    It always creeped me out when I heard those words. Evil happens...why? "Because it is permitted" Cults continue on...why? "Because it is permitted.

    Well, who is doing this 'permitting'? They would have you think that Jehovah is permitting this. But guess what. It's the congregants themselves who are 'permitting' this.

    There seems to be a pattern where JWs are badgered early on...not doing enough, not acceptable yet, ...the 'never good enough' syndrome. Then when they are sufficiently battered, they are given the opportunity for redemption by doing more. And in order to do more for the Kingdom...they will rely on the elders to instruct them in what needs to be done. They seem to have a need for approval. They willingly give up their power and reason. Maybe some people are just more comfortable having someone else in charge of them.

    Some people find a sense of security in ritual and pagentry within their religion. Some people find a comfort in tradition and custom. Maybe the religions serve a purpose that isn't recognized. Maybe...just maybe, some of these religions are serving as a catalyst for humanity in some way. Perhaps through the extremes of their teachings people will eventually come to see the errors and question. Once they can question they will think for themselves and use their own reasoning powers. Once that begins to happen they will make their own moral choices instead of going by the rules of any man made religion and its dictates.

    The only thing that can bring it down is for the Hundredth Monkey to finally catch on and the JWs withdraw their support.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Money issues will eventually bring down WT. I hope (but doubt) it will be soon or at least in the lifetime of 'my generation.'
    Newspapers and many magazines are seeing the downfall of the printed literature. Even books, still doing well, are so expensive that I can see people switching to those electronic readers eventually. Not only is WT literature free, but I am pretty sure that people don't want to pay for it now.

    I see the printed materials being severely reduced to keep the overhead down. Conventions are still money-makers. As they figure out the legistics, they will move more and more of them to their Assembly Halls. But the members don't have much money and don't give much money. The Brooklyn properties and the branch offices will all be gone one day and there won't be much else to sell except individual Kingdom Halls. It will happen and spread further abandoning of the congregations.

    Lawsuits have got to be in the works over handling of more pedophile suits. I cannot see the lawyers leaving them alone after the huge settlement of years ago. So far, they are doing okay in blood-issue cases, but they may lose one day. Expect more legal trouble from Europe and other places before it reaches North America.

  • ziddina
    "i think there should be a law passed religions MUST PROVE THEY ARE SAFE and legit to even practice & be tax free ..."

    LV101.... DUDE!!!

    That is EXACTLY what I'm thinking - er, well, almost...

    I started a thread asking about the 'letters' that the Watchtower Society would request their members to send to Russia, protesting the "unfair" treatment the JWs are receiving in Russia...


    I want to GET THAT ADDRESS and suggest to the Russians that they FINE the Watchtower Society for EVERY HUMAN-RIGHTS infraction committed within the borders of Russia - RETROACTIVELY!!!

    Precedent-setting, if the Russians can pull it off...

    Just think of the income from the paedophile cases, alone - not just from the JWs, but from the Roman Catholic church, too... Lives lost due to refusal of blood transfusions, careers lost due to Watchtower discouragement of higher education, marriages broken up due to excessive involvement and time commitments to the Watchtower sect... The list could go on and on...

    The mind reels at the possible increases of income for the Russian government - and the French, and any other government brave enough to make such a move...

    Hope the Governing Body's spies don't read MY post...


  • braveheart

    Im thinking ...Jim Jones and koolaid...that would probably end it...

    I wonder how many bethelites would follow the GB...if they told them to drink it for Jehovah....

    Hmmm...rethinking...long history, to big, and to much money at stake, GB members are not in a desperate situation...

    Maybe a long slow bleed. ....just dreamin.. -BH

  • Scully

    When every JW decides to close their wallets, the WTS will die.

  • exwhyzee

    Despite all that is known about the dangers of Cigarettes....people pay high prices to keep smoking them and new smokers are joining their ranks every day. Tobacco companies will be around for a long time to come.

    Similarly, JW's aren't going anywhere. Other than the children born into the "religion" which will be the majority, it's ranks will include those joining them with at least a chance to know about the history and the past mistakes of this organization. The "born in" kids will figure it out as soon as they know how to surf the web. The psychological stronghold won't be as strong as before because people won't be taking it as seriously, the doctrines will be watered down and people will be able to come and go without the devastating concequences seen today. (Just my opinion after seeing how things have gone over the years) The young ones going today are accostomed to having all they need to know, just a mouse click away. Hopefully they won't experience the bitter dissapointment of spending their lives based on made up hopes.

  • Liberty93

    The people who say it's never gonna fall point out that it's been around for 130 years. But all of those scandals happened in the last 35 years. This is a recent thing, and the problems are accelerating. The lack of elders and the fact that 2/3rds of young people leave will doom it. They don't make converts, they are losing most born-in membership, and the entire organization is built around being ... an organization. Once they lose the infrastructure to maintain branch offices and the whole Catholic-esque hierachy, they fall apart because they won't survive the transition to decentralized groups.

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