Do you think the Governing Body is having internal conflicts?

by stuckinamovement 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • Soldier77

    The current GB, all have strong personalities. They come across 'humble and meek' on that new stupid DVD, but if you listen to them from the stage, they are nothing like the 'humble and meek' fakes they portray. I have no doubt in my mind that their meetings are heated and are poles apart. This new change to the DO's is telling of what is going on and what will continue to happen, lockdown. They are going to become more extreme in their rules and regulations.

    You would think Barr, as the oldest and longest standing GB member, would use his 'wisdom' and reign in the new 'generation' GB. He knows all too well what happens when you make sudden changes, more false prophecies, put more pressure on the R&F. He's probably like the spineless PO that wavers and is undecisive or sides with the last word...

    To hell with all of them!

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    Tell me what is going on with the DOs . I've missed that. Thanks.

  • OnTheWayOut

    >>Do you think the Governing Body is having internal conflicts? <<

    Lduh: Does a bear shit in the woods!!

    Nailed it. I think the GB is operating in a continual crisis mode. They are doing anything they can to keep producing positive numbers to indicate growth, they are doing anything to reduce costs and increase profits, they are facing lawsuits on pedophiles and blood issues and the like, they are trying to sneak past the European Union as a mainstream religion as the countries there don't see it that way.

    Oh, the GB is more than a figurehead, but there's a lot of tail wagging the dog as the WT lawyers and accountants tell the GB what they need to do.

    Personal guess: I think they refused to add new GB members as long as they were trying to get the "Overlap generation" doctrine out there. They knew they would have to get newbies up to speed with this ridiculous doctrine, so they wanted to bring it out slowly (I think it was in the works ever since their 2008 change to "anointed generation") and not bring in new members who could vote on it until it was something they were already stuck with.

    I expect new GB members in the works now, I cannot imagine another year going by without it. But they do enjoy the limelight and they are in crisis mode. They might only add a couple of guys who are totally kiss-asses.

  • jookbeard

    they are mere figureheads guys appointed purely because they are partakers and are probably the youngest brown nosers who partake who give this dept any credibility as the time is ticking away for this so called anointed class! The real heavyweights who run things are Carl Adams and his group of Great Crowd, they pull the strings.

  • undercover
    Do you think the Governing Body is always having internal conflicts?


    It's not reallly new. They've always had internal conflicts...all the way back to Rutherford's hostile take-over and subsequent cleaning of house of those who bitched about it.

  • Momma-Tossed-Me

    Karl Adams is the correct spelling, he has a brother named Joel. He is a real piece of work, I have had discussions with him before and also talked with people who have had talked with him as well.

    Barbara Anderson was one of his assistants and he is the head of the writing department. He doesn't have or own a TV and looked like death on two legs 15 years ago when I knew him.

    He is very smart and I believe he knows that the Watchtower Doctrine is wrong but knows his place and he keeps writing anyway, I mean what kind of job would he get if he left. He is not a very good speaker and so he keeps a low profile within the org. Not a lot of R&F people know he even exists.

    I would say that he is a fairly influential head of this org, as far as fighting for the doctrine issues.

  • miseryloveselders

    Karl Adams is the correct spelling, he has a brother named Joel. He is a real piece of work, I have had discussions with him before and also talked with people who have had talked with him as well.

    Barbara Anderson was one of his assistants and he is the head of the writing department. He doesn't have or own a TV and looked like death on two legs 15 years ago when I knew him.

    He is very smart and I believe he knows that the Watchtower Doctrine is wrong but knows his place and he keeps writing anyway, I mean what kind of job would he get if he left. He is not a very good speaker and so he keeps a low profile within the org. Not a lot of R&F people know he even exists.

    I would say that he is a fairly influential head of this org, as far as fighting for the doctrine issues.

    Is it possible you could elaborate further on this Karl Adams? His views? That of his brother?

  • St George of England
    St George of England
    You would think Barr, as the oldest and longest standing GB member, would use his 'wisdom' and reign in the new 'generation' GB

    Jack Barr is 97 years old and not in the best of health. His wife Mildred apparently lives very well in TCI according to a poster here recently. I do not think he is going to jeopodize his comfortable life style any time soon.


  • agonus

    Have to wonder lately who is really calling the shots up in Brooklyn... sorry, Walkill. The lack of direction is becoming more and more apparent all the time, so I suppose anyone's guess is as good as mine. Hell, for all we know, it really COULD be the Illuminati.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I'm honestly not sure how much real authority the GB has. I've asked several times and nobody seems to have an answer:

    What *legal* authority does the GB have over the Watchtower Society itself? How is the religion legally attached to the corporation, if at all?

    It was asserted in the past that the Service Committee and Writing Committee were often at odds and competed for the role of alpha dog in the organization. It was also believed that more often than not, it was Service that won out due to Ted Jaracz's hardass personality.

    Now he's dead and we're left to wonder how that void is being filled. He was alive but recovering from a stroke when the new idiotic "overlap" doctrine was trotted out. Was that his last hurrah? Or was it something he opposed that couldn't pass approval until he had his stroke?

    I'd be really interested in knowing just who's baby that brain fart was and whether he's still around and wielding some authority.

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