Do you think the Governing Body is having internal conflicts?

by stuckinamovement 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • JimmyPage

    Sometimes the COBOE formerly the PO is spineless, and he'll go whichever way the wind blows so long as its less trouble for him.

    Do you attend the local cong in my area LOL?

  • trueblue
  • braveheart

    I wonder ...are there visitors to this forum who are higher ups in the Org ??

    Is there any intel on the goings on at the GB level ??

    Is the freedom of information cracking the WT ?? ...I hope so...-BH

  • JimmyPage

    There is definitely no intel when it comes to the GB.

  • miseryloveselders

    Do you attend the local cong in my area LOL?

    The first Elder meeting I sat in on was an eye opener. The COBOE at my Hall, is an ok guy. I would never criticize him excessively. His heart is ok in my opinion. However in that meeting, I saw him pretty much nod his head to whatever was being said. I mean it could be an issue where the Body was divided evenly. He is incapable of making a decision on his own merits. If one faction say, "such, so and such and such", he'll nod his head and reply, "yeah." If the other side comes with a counter argument, he'll not his head and agree with them. He basically makes his decisions off of whomever had the last word.

  • Dumi

    I do think that some fundamental conflicts are spring in the GB, I think it probably goes back to the year they flexed the rule that the GB can now admit "Non-Anointed" members with earthly hope?? two different destinations, and who is to say that those with earthly hope would not see things differently after-all they will be tasked with the job to rehabilitate the physical world after Armageddon??

    Makes my head pain just reading what I wrote above, just another reason why I could not stomach the GB; WBTS and JW as a whole...

  • Lozhasleft

    Yep. I think its inevitable.

    Loz x

  • Sapphy

    I think they're in managing decline mode.

    The question is how to maximise profit - sorry, steward God's earthly riches appropriately - in the face of falling revenue streams as the recession bites.

    They also don't have a coherent doctrine about the last days anymore - that ended with the generation change in the mid-90s.

  • St George of England
    St George of England
    I think it probably goes back to the year they flexed the rule that the GB can now admit "Non-Anointed" members with earthly hope??

    The GB are all of the anointed class, always have been since the GB was started in 1971. The Board of Directors previously were also anointed for many years. In fact it was Hayden Covington who resigned as VP in 1945 as he was OS.

    The OS are allowed to 'assist' the GB by serving on the various committees, such as the writing committee but to be a GB member you HAVE to be a 'wine & cracker' man.


  • metatron

    I think Sapphy gets closest to the truth here. Even if they have grandiose ideas, the reality forces them to cut their losses -apparently without letup.

    In addition, since Jaracz died, they may have a structural problem similar to many bodies of elders. Let me explain: You have a few elders who are old and worn out and a few who are impractical egotists ( Loesch, Hurd) - men who think they know it all but can't manage politics like Jaracz (or Hitler or Stalin). Then, you have the 'new boys' who are restless but resented because 'you guys just got here so you need to know your place'.

    That would be my guess.....

    I am surprized by the D.O. "shepherding" thing and I wonder why they felt such a need for this, all of a sudden. There may be surprizing rot going on......


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