Who was a squeaky clean dub?

by Marilyn 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Eric

    I was a militantly correct spawn of the Watchtower when I was a boy.

    I did not ask to be removed from school assemblies where the anthem would be played, or pledges of alliegence recited. I would attend so that I could sit down defiantly at the appropriate moment. Contrary to the experience of many on this board, this did not result in alienation from my peers, in fact it had some of the 'bad kids' thinking I was kind of cool.

    I once waited after school when I knew there was a staff meeting taking place, knocked on the door and bombed the meeting with an offer of the "Truth book". I was surely kickin' butt for Jehovah.

    About the time I turned thirteen, I was given the #5 talk on the subject of Apocrypha. (We had a VERY small congregation, my parents had moved to where the need was great, as defined by the WTS. As it turned out very few in that wide area had any need for the spume from the Watchtower font.) I got out the index, the Concordance, the Aid to Bible Understanding, the Diaglott and opened the first real question I'd ever had. Is the bible inspired, if so then which parts, who decided which parts, were they annointed and ultimately, who cares?

    After that it was just a game of bending the rules.


  • think41self

    Ok, I confess, I was pretty squeaky clean.

    I know, you all find that hard to believe now.

    Being raised in it, and believing in it with my whole heart, what choice did I have? I sincerely believed I was pleasing God with my actions. I am happy that I didn't have to face any of the problems such as teenage pregnancy or drug addiction. I was one of the weird ones who actually waited til my wedding night to have sex...and yee gads I was an old maid of 21! (that doesn't mean we didn't fool around, I mean we were human)

    Those were the good things. The bad things were that I was very judgmental...I thought if I could do it, why couldn't everyone else? Such naive thinking is embarassing to remember now. I much prefer the freedom to make my choices because I want them, not for fear of reprisals. And I am much more open minded now...and am trying to root out all vestiges of judgmentalism! I was never a big drinker, so still am not. Always been a one man woman, and I think I always will be. I've never even tried any drugs...but if I ever meet up with Harmony, I may be tempted beyond bearing...in several areas!


  • peaceloveharmony

    LOLOL tracy

    love ya

  • VeniceIT

    I was pretty squeeky clean, hell I still am ahhaha. But I was never dull. I mean it'd be easier for me to count the times I didn't crack up during the meetings, we were soo bad, and people would give us dirty looks, but dad was PO so we never got introuble. besides we were entertaining the rest of the hall with our antics.


    "Injustice will continue until those who are not affected by it are as outraged as those who are."

  • Monica

    <------- Miss Goody Two Shoes! Miss Priss! Perfectionist JW kid to a 'T'! My best friend (who was a little bit on the wild side) and I used to actually get into arguments about it. It used to drive me nuts when she'd laugh at me for being so 'squeaky clean'. I was the 'self-righteous priss' until one week before high school graduation. That week I was corrupted by my younger sister who practically force fed me some alcohol for my first time. I was only a JW adult for about a year. (thank goodness!)

  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum

    I did some pretty bad things while at Bethel. Nathan considered dismissing me but decided, for whatever reason not to. He did dismiss my best friend who was with me.

    As a young adult, after leaving Brooklyn I didn't really do anything to get DF'd for except when I was away from home on business trips I'd smoke cigarettes and drink alot. I also never tried very hard to become a MS or elder. I gave talks and put in 4 to 6 hours a month in FS, but meetings bored me shitless. Actually, when 1976 came, I was pretty relieved.

    "Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son." Dean Vernon Wormer, Faber College

  • RedhorseWoman

    Yep, I was pretty much the squeaky clean dub. Managed to get myself into a bad situation in my mid-20s because I was so naive that I didn't recognize trouble until I was knee-deep in it.

    Got super-depressed over my "failings", but pulled through and managed to stay on the straight and narrow until I finally left in my late 30s. Even was a virgin when I married at 28. We fooled around a little, and I felt so damn guilty about heavy petting that I hauled both of us in to see the elders and "repent". Got reproof for that one, and couldn't spend time alone with my fiance until the wedding. Tough to do when you're 28 and have your own apartment.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I was so clean I was a drag to be around - partly due to being an elder's wife and mostly due to WT-inspired depression --- well scrap those two. I learned how to have fun and .... well the only thing the org could possibly DF me for now ... is coming here... so still clean just having fun doing it

    Rejoice in the healing and not in the pain.
    Rejoice in the challenge overcome and not in the past hurts.
    Rejoice in the present - full of love and joy.
    Rejoice in the future for it is filled with new horizons yet to be explored. - Lee Marsh 2002

  • DazedAndConfused

    I would have considered myself "squeaky clean" except for two things:

    1) I had to take care of 3 very young girls (with illnesses....etc) yet was told my dub hubby was called before the Elders to question why I did not put in the 10 hours a month which was the national average at the time. (NEVER DID THEY ONCE ASK WHY I WASN'T AT THE HALL WHILE DICKHEAD WAS AT EVERY ONE WHILE MY (our) 3 GIRLS HAD CHICKEN POX, AT INTERVALS)Why didn't they ever approach him and ask why he wasn't taking part of the burdon then, and letting me go to some meetings (thus splitting up the parenting and also allowing me to "enjoy" the spiritual information and association?

    2) I have to admit I did say shit once in a while. But only when I really, really hurt myself. (sound of hammer hitting thumb)

    It wasn't until dickhead discovered that alcohol would limber me up did I discover that alcohol can cover a multitude of sins. This is what I needed to live with dickhead. I never drank until this, at this time he would yank my hair and hold my head back and pour alcohol down my throat, until I thought I would drown.

    Left to my own devices.....I would have been better off than living with a man (dickhead) that had favor in the comgregation. Nuff said.

  • Marilyn

    Dazed, Tell me you are Australian! You sound very Australian. I'm real sorry about the Dickhead you got saddled with. The Organisation favors guys like that.

    When we were dubs we had a monthly account with the booze shop. We couldn't pass a civil word to each other Sunday nites after the conventions finished - not until we'd both swilled down at least 2 glasses of wine each. I started drinking because of the religion - I can actually live without it now. Yaaaaa!


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