It's tough learning the truth

by Cook My Socks UK 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Heaven

    I had a moment at an assembly where I just couldn't listen to it anymore. That was it for me.

    crazy2try... I think everyone experiences their moment. Some deny it and remain trapped within the WTS while others embrace it and break out.

    I feel CMSUK is in conflict and is spinning around instead of moving forward. I hope CMS can begin to slow and eventually stop the spinning so that a forward momentum can be achieved. One way to do this is to start looking at your life and deciding how you wish to go forward. But this is work and it takes effort to start actually thinking about this when your mind has been taught the opposite -- that is, to NOT think; just accept.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    what I read makes sense but doesn't make sense at the same time

    When something doesn't make sense .... it's not because you're stupid.

    It's because it doesn't make sense.

    Trying to pretend it makes sense is what will make a fool of you.

    I was raised a JW as yound child and so have known nothing else

    So was I. It took me while, but eventually I realised that my upbringing meant that everything I thought I knew about God was suspect. If I had been born to a Hindu, Jew or Muslem I would have my thoughts influenced by them instead. I knew nothing that could be trusted. Even the Holy book I was using was mine as an accident of birth.

    Now, forget the WT's 'Bible Study'. Get a Bible and read it without any 'study aids' except for interlinears, dictionaries and concordances. Don't bend the rules of grammar to force it to mean something other than what the original authors intended.

    When you get to a passage that doesn't make sense ....... it's not because you're stupid.....


  • Will Power
    Will Power

    one of the biggest things to remember is that the watchtower bible and tract society is NOT God.

    They want you to believe they are one in the same and by extension - the people who represent IT - they give a face to the abstract concept. Please them = please god = you're saved.

    don't drag GOD into their scheme.

  • cantleave

    Cook my socks - don't give up on the road to true freedom. I agree entirely with leavingwt's reading list - I implore you to read.

    If you are in the UK and ever want to chat PM I will give you telephone number and would be delighted to provide some support.

  • Cook My Socks UK
    Cook My Socks UK

    I feel CMSUK is in conflict and is spinning around instead of moving forward.

    This is the case, sometimes I even refuse to listen to myself - I have been cathecting this teaching for a long time, if I am honest though I have been in doubt for years - even packed it in for a while(the constant upset of my family was prob why I returned). The family thing is a big issue for me, it would take more than a miracle to make them see.

    I am not going to rush into anything - the comments / support from this forum really helps. Right now I have nobody else to talk to about this.

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