It's tough learning the truth

by Cook My Socks UK 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Cook My Socks UK
    Cook My Socks UK

    This just came to me(after a few JD's).

    I need another study! I was raised a JW as yound child and so have known nothing else(bar a few christmas and birthdays), what I read makes sense but doesn't make sense at the same time. Does anybody know what I mean? I find it easy to dismiss what I read here but inside know it's not being true to myself. Sometimes I think "screw it", live in ignorance, what does it matter anyway - in the big scheme of things who the hell am I. Other times I feel like I want to know the truth - I do have the Matt 5:3 need.

    Is it easier for people like me to carry on ignorant? Probably. But is it the right thing to do - no, but it's not easy

  • leavingwt

    You really need to deconstruct the WT.

    Read these three books, in this order:

    1. Crisis of Conscience

    2. Captives of a Concept

    3. Combatting Cult Mind Control

  • Heaven

    CMS... how can you trust someone once you know they are lying to you? And why would you want to associate with a group with that type of integrity? Have you given any thought to what your definition of Spirituality is?

  • Chalam

    One person you need to study with

    John 14:26 (New International Version)

    26 But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.

    John 15:26 (New International Version)

    26 "When the Counselor comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father, he will testify about me.

    Ask Him to fulfil these promises and start your study here John 1 :)



  • Lozhasleft

    I remember quite similar feeling and no it isnt easy at all. Good advice about the books. Rescue as much of your life as you can now.

    Loz x

  • Inkie

    Dear CMSUK:

    What exactly IS IT you want to know? The truth of "things"? Or do you want to know the "Truth"? Remember, the Master said: "I am the . . . Truth. . . ." Perhaps you need to distinguish which of those two things you really want to know. And after deciding which, then you can proceed accordingly.


  • Evidently Apostate
    Evidently Apostate

    i can only speak for myself but how much of your life are you willing to surrender. when you sit through a meeting and see others nodding to something that you know is bull how does it make you feel. are you willing to knock on a strange persons door and attempt to convince them they need to give up the life they have now for a false hope and possibly scar them forever. you will have to fake enthusiasm for things that turn your stomach, in time it may cause health problems both mental and phsycal. look at the "friends" you have in the "truth" and realize thier love for you will turn to hate and disgust because of one sentence read from a platform. and remember this cycle of happiness lasts a lifetime.

    sorry to be heavy i too am coming to grips with this myself. stay strong man


  • cloudy2010

    Hope everything goes well there.

  • yknot


    You are not ignorant though....


    There are lots of scenarios....... in the end, you have to decide just how much you are willing to sacrifice to those men.

    There are men on the slowest fade..... 'in it' until they or wife dies.

    The biggest question is .... do you really want your children and grandchildren serving these men and propping them up as demi-gods while they waste their God-given potential in FS ?

    Would you want future grandsons forgoing a family to be MTS and serve at Bethel only to be let go at 53 having given his 'youth' to Jehovah? Your future granddaughters, do you wish them to be under the direction of Elders who might pry for sexual details of their lives and judge them so harshly they stop loving themselves and feel worthless?

    If you know men are coming to steal away something from you and your family don't open the door, welcome them in and serve beverages while they cart away everything including your family......

    It sucks, really really really sucks..... (and not in a warm, wet and heart-pounding way men prefer )

    I wish we all could just pull the trigger and put that beast down but sometimes we have to slowly poison the water!

    If you wanna stay 'in' ...... I support your decision! ......(granted I might beg a favor of playing double agent)

  • crazy2try

    It is so hard sometimes. I felt the same way for years. My kids are half grown. I had a moment at an assembly where I just couldn't listen to it anymore. That was it for me.

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