'We only do what the BIBLE says' --- Separating the Bible from the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of NYC

by Joliette 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • notverylikely

    Gnostic Black Mass?

    Huh? Black Mass is most frequently associated with a Witch's Sabbath, the most commong goal being to profane the eucharist, and there is virtually no record of what happened at these events or even how frequent or real they were. I am not sure how Gnostic it is since witches, at least during the centuries black masss were most talked about, had druidic and naturalistic rites.

  • Ding

    I am surprised your dad would encourage you to study the Bible without WT literature.

    However, rejoice and take him up on his suggestion.

    Study just the Bible, not the WT materials as your dad suggests.

    In fact, invite him to study it with you.

    I'd suggest the books of Romans and Galatians as a good starting point.

    A number of Bethelites did that in the 1980s and left the WTS as a result!

    I'd recommend using a recognized translation such as NIV, NASB, NLT, or NKJB, not the NWT.

    If your dad insists on using the NWT himself, challenge him to check out everything the NWT says by the interlinear side of the Kingdom Interlinear.

    They don't match in key areas.

    If you'd like to chat with me about what you're reading in the Bible, I'll be glad to do it via PM.

    I promise I won't try to get you to join or contribute to any organization and you're free to disagree with my conclusions.

  • Joliette

    Ding: Thanks, and you have a PM. Are you on yahoo messenger?

  • Joliette

    Yeah, Apostle Paul tells it like it is.

  • ProdigalSon


    "I had also heard, I continued, that Satanists steal consecrated communion bread from their local Catholic churches which they desecrate at these black services. For example, I have heard of Catholic parishes where this is such a problem that the pastor is forced to post special attendants during Holy Communion who watch to make sure that no one receives the Eucharist and walks away without consuming the host. The Satanists take these consecrated hosts to their services—these wafers of “bread” that Catholics believe have been miraculously transformed by the Holy Spirit into the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ—and desecrate them with spit, bodily waste, and other such unimaginable blasphemies. Before your conversion, I asked Nicolas, did you and your fellow Satanists steal consecrated hosts for this purpose? “Yes,” Nicolas answered, “we did.”

    Another interesting comment here...


    There are approximately 105,000 Congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses scattered around the world. More than 17,000,000 persons worldwide attend the "memorial of Christ's death" at these 105,000 congregations. Less than 10,000 JW attendees at the WatchTower "Black Mass" partake of the wine and bread sacraments. That means that even if there were no more than one partaker at any given congregation, then there are approximately 95,000 congregations where NOONE partakes of the sacraments.

    In fact, the WatchTower Cult is conducting the world's largest satanic BLACK MASS. The 17,000,000 attendees are required to individually accept into their hands the cup of wine and plate of bread, BUT then REFUSE to drink and eat -- thereby signaling their personal and individual REJECTION of Christ's sacrifice and rejection of Christ as their personal savior.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Without magic Watchtower goggles, 607BCE is garbage, then 1914 becomes garbage, then "Last Days" false prophecies become garbage, then Watchtower corporation becomes garbage.

    Without magic Watchtower goggles, there were far more than 144,000 true Christians in the 1st century before the "apostacy". The 144,000 teaching then becomes garbage. Then the "anointed", "faithful and discreet slave class", and "governing body" teachings all become garbage.

  • littlebird

    So go ahead and read the Nt without the watchtower. As soon as you see descrepencies from wt teaching, make a note of it and show him. "Dad I did as you said and look at what I found". Dont expect it to sink in, but it will be in the back of his mind for sure.

  • Ding
  • littlebird

    ding, are you speechless? Maybe Im blind, I cant see anything on your post.

  • Ding

    I was going to respond to Joliette's note that I have a PM, but I hit the Submit button by accident. I decided to send her a PM.

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