When you realized that it was all a lie.. how did you cope?

by stuckinamovement 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • laverite

    Now Gutted...We don't have to go there ! We can all love each other. I have strong ties to three Canadian provinces, not just QC, BTW. Why do I keep disclosing more than I should on here?

  • AnnOMaly

    When you realized that it was all a lie.. how did you cope?

    Reading, the internet and its DBs where I could launch forth, and a good hubby who was on 'that page' long before I was.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Once you are able to drop out completely it helps a lot because the relief of not having to study for or attend meetings, or go out in service can help balance out the resentment. Sure, we lost a lot of time to the Borg but we get a lot of time back when we drop them cold.

    It also helps to make new contacts and friends. Get involved in something YOU want to be involved in. Music, sports, another hobby, whatever you like, you can do it now guilt FREE.

    The pros of getting out far outweigh the cons of the time we were stuck IN.

    You've put your hand to the plow, now don't look back!

  • gutted

    Now Gutted...We don't have to go there ! We can all love each other. I have strong ties to three Canadian provinces, not just QC, BTW. Why do I keep disclosing more than I should on here?

    Yes we can all love each other... just not the french.

  • wasblind

    Mad Sweeny,



    Edited to read: P.S. I'm not Candian but I totally wanna be. But I would never be able to drink beer or even taste it.

    We have Beer Doctors that can fix you..

    prostate_exam_sm.jpg picture by GeneralWaco........................ ...OUTLAW
  • laverite

    Gutted ! You are being rather mischievous. I know you love the French speaking peoples of this world down deep in your heart somewhere. Now, let me have the last word on this so we don't hijack this thread.

  • laverite

    Outlaw - where you find these images is beyond me. You are too much. That pic is really very disturbing BTW.

  • sabastious
    Be honest, its ok to say "we were wrong" or "we don't know".

    They claim to be Jehovah's sole channel of communication. That's where they shoot themselves in the feet. If they flat out say "they are wrong" about something big (say, 1914)... think about what that would mean.

    I'm not condoning their actions, but I do understand them. They are in a rock and a hard place and have been there for many moons. The only way for them to cope with this catch 22 is to truly believe that they are being directed by the creator of the universe and put on blindfolds and ear muffs and keep trudging till they stumble into Paradise.


  • blondie

    I stopped going totally, no memorial, funerals, weddings, let alone meetings, assemblies, conventions.

    I kept studying the history of the WTS and its doctrines.

    I joined some volunteer groups, made new friends, screened out the old ones.

    Did fun things.................

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