Child's Nightmares and Memories Prove Reincarnation

by ProdigalSon 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Ding

    I don't usually find myself agreeing with Terry, but here he's spot on.

    We often dream a lot of things about our present life that, when we wake up, we realize never happened.

    In fact, we often laugh when we wake up and realize that those dreams were quite impossible.

    Dr. Strassman is known for human experimentation with psychedelic substances -- hardly an indicator of reality.

    Dreams are fantasies of the mind, not reality, and certainly not proof of "previous lives."

  • metatron

    This point about possible reincarnation is just one more reason to be angry with the Watchtower. I always thought rebirth was a concept found only in far away Eastern religions. I was not aware that Jews in Jesus' day had all sorts of ideas about transmigration of souls - as many do today.

    I have never seen any coherent, thorough explanation for how complex behaviors can be inherited as a part of genetic code. Indeed, the very idea seems absurd. I also observe that children do not enter the world as a 'blank slate'. Quite the contrary, they appear to be preprogrammed in all sorts of ways.

    I would also point out that Carl Sagan thought that kids memories of a past life needed serious study rather than just glib dismissal.


  • cameo-d

    Prodigal Son: "As for the fact that most of us can't remember past lives, that has mostly to do with our practically non-functioning pineal and pituitary glands. Actually there are many glands and it entails the entire endocrine system, but those are the main ones. This lack of memory is actually a merciful thing from our Creator, because most of us have been Barbarians at some point in the past, and we have done some horrific things. If we had full blown memory of it we would be insane. "

    I saw that film a couple of years ago and have seen and heard stories from others as well. In considering the lack of memory of past lives, I have often wondered if some of the vaccines and drugs given to most of us at an early age inhibit that function of remembering? Has there been a purpose in having our bodies bombarded with chemicals? And if so, this would certainly show that it has been done purposely. And, if it has been done purposely, then those who are orchestrating this illusionary world to that end must be in full knowledge of the past and future.

  • notverylikely

    Has there been a purpose in having our bodies bombarded with chemicals?

    Yes, to keep you from dying from easily cured or prohibited disease, like polio or smallpox.

    And if so, this would certainly show that it has been done purposely.

    No, it would show that you aren't dead from an easily cured disease.

    And, if it has been done purposely, then those who are orchestrating this illusionary world to that end must be in full knowledge of the past and future.

    Yes, we agree on that. they are fully aware that if kids don't get vaccinated like they did in the past, then shitloads of them will start dying soon.

  • Ding

    According to an M.D. I just talked with, pineal and pituitary glands have nothing to do with memory.

  • cameo-d

    not very likely:"

    Has there been a purpose in having our bodies bombarded with chemicals?

    Yes, to keep you from dying from easily cured or prohibited disease, like polio or smallpox.

    And if so, this would certainly show that it has been done purposely.

    No, it would show that you aren't dead from an easily cured disease.

    What has the mercury in my fillings cured me from, please? Why has information been brought forth about the inherent dangers in mercury that have been known all along?

    Why so much evidence of autism/aspergers/ADD of late and especially in this younger generation?

    How many cancers do you suppose might be caused by over exposure to x-ray from excessive and unnecessary procedures?

    Why do I still get cavaties when there should be enough flouride in the water to cure this?

  • metatron

    I have lots of fillings with mercury. I doubt they make much difference. I ain't the Mad Hatter.

    I seriously think the autism question needs investigation about, not chemicals, but television watching and video games. This sort of research is not going to be popular with corporations.

    Radiation? As above, I think the theory of radiation hormesis needs more attention. Come to think of it, that sounds a bit like evolutionary adaptation......

    Flouride was never a total cure for cavities, even in its heyday. I think using it on adults is a waste of time.

    Reincarnation memories seem to be similar to other memories set in your distant past (of this life). By that I mean, violent emotional stuff that tends to stick in the mind and stand out. OTOH, past life therapists seem to get a bit fuzzy and uncertain when pinned down about what past life belongs to who. There's somthing here, as I think Sagan suspected.... but what?


  • notverylikely

    What has the mercury in my fillings cured me from, please?

    From learning how to answer a question, apparently. But if you must know, from rotting teeth and bacteria and infection killing you. Of course, that question has exactly zero to do with what I wrote.You fail.

    Why so much evidence of autism/aspergers/ADD of late and especially in this younger generation?

    Uh, geez, because diagnosis has gotten much better much recently and new genetic disorders that can cause it have been discovered. But again, that has exactly zero to do with what I wrote. You fail.

    How many cancers do you suppose might be caused by over exposure to x-ray from excessive and unnecessary procedures?

    Less than are cured by new treatments, but again, that has zero to do with what I wrote. You fail.

    Why do I still get cavaties when there should be enough flouride in the water to cure this?

    Because cavities are not 100% prevented by flouride and it certainly doesn't "cure" them. There are many environmental and genetic factors at play that you clearly do not understand. Of course, that has exactly zero to do with what I wrote. You fail.

  • HintOfLime

    I dreamed I was a pair of safety sissors when I was a litle kid (4yrs), and that I had a bunch of friends who were also office supplies - Mr. Eraser, Mr. Pencil, and Ms. Crayon. I remember 'eating paper' (because I needed to cut something) in the dream and tasting it.

    My dream PROVES that we are all the reincarnation of office supplies.

    (Oh look, Fox news is reporting this. Go figure.)

    - Lime

  • cameo-d

    Hintof Lime: " I remember 'eating paper' (because I needed to cut something) in the dream and tasting it."

    The glue was much better tasting! Does anyone remember the white paste glue with the sweet mint smell? I think it was made like that specifically to attract kids to eat it. Wonder what kind of dumbing down poisons were in that, too?

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