Why is it the most judgmental ones.....

by terafera 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • terafera

    Being relatively still a 'Newbie' of sorts (I've only been here a month or so)...

    The first thing I thought when I started posting here, was,

    'would they judge me here?' 'do you have to totally disagree with the JW's?' 'do you all have to think the same way?'

    But after reading hundreds of posts I have come to see that the majority of people here are NOT judgmental. For the ones that have said they are going back to the Organization, people here have generally wished them well. Nothing hateful.

    Then why does it seem the few posts that are hateful, cruel, judgmental and spiteful are coming from people supporting the WTBTS?

    Makes you wonder...

    Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going to a
    garage makes you a mechanic.

  • HappyHeathen

    Most ex-dubs here feel sympathy as part of the mix of feelings for those still trapped in the borg. We were all there once walking in their shoes. It depresses me to think anyone would choose to go back. It's like emerging into the sunlight, but returning to the dark gloomy cave from whence you came for the rest of your life.

    I have an uncle who chose to return to the KH after years of being out, and, for the life of me, I can't understand why. According to cult experts, it does happen for complicated reasons. We can only wish them well and tell them we're here for them if they need us.


  • Richie

    You made an excellent observation! On the average, those who still are JW's and post here, are usually very direct, judgmental, unloving and often hateful toward those who have left the organization. I am thinking of quite a few who come here from time to time and they all show a similar attitude: a cold, calculated and spiteful demeanor without the loving compassion they so conveniently attribute to themselves otherwise...

    Richie :*)

  • ISP

    Most exjws will show more tolerance of others views. There are of course many here with particularly strong views on some subjects because of the past life of being a dub. The few JWs that post are often judgemental as there is not a lot else to console themselves with.


  • AlanF

    The judgmental posts tend to come from JW defenders or Christian defenders. There are of course exceptions. The defenders tend to be fanatics, and fanatics are invariably judgmental of those who don't go along with them. Indeed, the fanaticism and judgmentalism go hand in hand.

    I think that fanaticism stems from two general sources: fear that one is wrong, and so the fanatic overcompensates, and an intolerance for contrary views, somewhat like a father who cannot abide his child contradicting him. As James Penton has said, JWs and other Christian Fundamentalists -- who tend to be fanatics -- are pups from the same bitch.


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    I believe that many of those ostensibly supporting the Org here are joking in their posts.
    Most of the people here are alright most of the time, but everyone is judgemental and intolerant some of the time.
    Including me.

  • Richie

    Good point - regarding your uncle who went back to the KH: makes me think of the dog who returns to its own vomit...LOL

    Richie :*)

  • HappyHeathen


    LOL! When we heard that my Uncle started going back to the hall, we were stunned -- speechless, thinking he had lost his sanity somehow. And he went back to the same hateful attitudes towards his family, too, refusing to attend a family get-together because he was afraid we were celebrating someone's birthday. I can't imagine that I EVER believed that God is that petty!


  • DB

    I have also noticed that the most judgemental posts and replies are in general by those who are jw defenders or fundamentalist in their views.

    Also, in congregations of jws, often the most judgemental are the ones who are "spiritually strong". They are often self-righteuos and intolerant.

  • Satanus

    I think that most jws and many fundy christians suppress many natural feelings/desires. This, by itself produces a lot of tension. When they observe their excomrades freely flaunting those very same traits that they are not allowed to partake in, they feel extreme resentment. It comes out as judgementalism and anger/hate. Also our freedom in these areas threatens the legitamacy of their rigid course. As a defence, they lash out to stop us, or at least attempt to ellicit some guilt or fear by threats of divine punishment.

    What can i say, except, nyah nyah.


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