To new Christians on JWN

by brotherdan 284 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • snowbird

    I respectfully submit that I read nothing elitist in Bro Dan's posts.

    IMO, he's simply making his Christian feelings known.


  • brotherdan

    I have not put forward an elitist ideology. I have commented on what the Bible says about those that do not believe in God. That's all. God tells us that true contentment comes from knowing Him. If I believe this then what am I to conclude about the true contentment of those that do not believe in God? I leave that to you to answer.

    You can't really say that this is a concept that is not in the Bible. The entire Bible shows the jealousy of God and his demands for worship. Everything from the 10 commandments to Revelation state that there is ONLY 1 true God. All others are false. This is a VERY main stream idea throughout the Bible. And I have reread my Bible after coming to the conclusion that the WTS is false. I will not allow their attempts to destroy Christian faith to destroy mine.

  • brotherdan

    Also, Hoping4Change, I am not saying, "It's my way or no way". That's what God has said about himself in the Bible.

  • startingover

    So Brotherdan, you said...

    So can atheists REALLY have contentment in their belief (or unbelief)? They will claim that they are content. There are all kinds of people that try to find contentment in just about everything imaginable. But REAL contentment only comes from knowing God.

    REAL contentment? Only from knowing god? It appears that some find it necessary to live in a fantasy world to get by, but some of us can't do that and therefore are faced with reality.

    And then you add this...

    And I think there are a large percentage of atheists that throw away God so that they don't have to have guilt for sinning.

    Think you could be wrong about this? Ever consider that some of us prefer to live reality based lives, as much as that can sometimes cause discomfort?

  • LostGeneration

    Your missing the point, just because you say something is "based on scripture" doesn't mean a thing. Like i said, if I say Richard Dawkins says "there is no God" it doesnt mean a thing either. What matters is EVIDENCE and an ancient book with all sorts of inaccuracies and unprovable stories is not an acceptable substitute. Fine if you want to live your life on based on that storybook but dont sit here and tell us we are unhappy because "the bible says so"

    As to lack of evidence being a copout, its exactly the opposite. I agree with you in that I say "I dont think there is a God", but i am willing to consider new evidence if it appears. Most atheist are not dogmatic because they actually do review the evidence and they cannot say with 100% certainty that there is not a god. You however hang your hat on seeing a tree and equating that with Gods existence- one doesnt have a damn thing to do with another.

  • AuntBee

    I know there are quite a few Christians (never JWs) who check in here, for the infomation. It is always so up to date, and informative for those who want to dialogue with JWs, and know some in their real life. It helps us understand beyond just the beliefs, but into the mindset, life issues that they may be going through, etc.

    I personally try to be sensitive to the whole purpose of the forum ,for exJW to support each other. Sometimes it feels like i'm listening in on someone's conversation, and don't want to butt in! :)

    The "tone" was much more friendly to all beliefs when i first started reading the forum about 2 years ago. Sometimes people would kind of chide someone in a friendly way about faith in Christ. But at some point, i think the tone changed, and became a bit more harsh.

    I like Terry! We share the same concerns about porn and its effects. hehe.

  • startingover

    Just want to say that I feel there may just be some being that started all we see around us, but I am sure that being is not the god of the bible. That's why the bible means nothing to people like me.

  • snowbird
    You however hang your hat on seeing a tree and equating that with Gods existence- one doesnt have a damn thing to do with another.

    Come, now.

    You know there's more to his statement than that.

    All things considered, however, a tree is a powerful testimony to God's existence.

    I think you should do a close-up examination of a tree while pondering on its beauty, style, and utility.


  • brotherdan

    LostGeneration, I only meant that I am not presenting these standards out of the air. They do originate in the Bible. And I personally believe in the Bible.

    I TOTALLY respect the viewpoints of everyone here. I especially like what startingover has said. He is honest enough to say he does not know, but there could be a possibility. But if you take out the 1 source that claims to be from God, and throw it away due to the interpretation of non-believers only, then you can never know who God is. It's the only place where He reveals his personality and purposes.

    I know it's a common creationist argument, but if I saw a house in the middle of a forest and someone said that they loaded up some dynamite and it exploded and eventually produced this house, I would question their sanity. Intelligence begets intelligence. You can not get any sort of information system without intelligence. Even if it could be proven that matter can come from non-matter, where does the information come from to make that matter function?

    As far as evidence is concerned, I find this a compelling piece of reasonable evidence. No where can I demonstrate information randomly taking place.

  • Terry

    Brother Dan has a right to speak his mind and his beliefs without molestation.

    Well said, Brother Dan. Well said.

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