To new Christians on JWN

by brotherdan 284 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • brotherdan

    I did not personally say that about atheists and contentment. The BIBLE says that and I was repeating it. I wasn't trying to insulting anyone. If I believe the Bible and it says that TRUE contentment comes from knowing God, then that's what I say. I didn't just pull the comment out of my butt. Putting together what the Bible says and knowledge of my own contentment if I did not believe in God, I have to conclude that the statement IS true. True contentment comes from knowing God.

    Think about this. You say that you are content. I will not argue with you and I will accept that. But what if, just WHAT IF you never have known God? What if you have never known TRUE contentment? You would have no frame of reference, right? You think you are content without knowing how good it could be to be truly content. That's what I'm saying. I'm sorry I came off judgemental and harsh.

  • leavingwt
    But what if there IS a God and He DOES hold out salvation for those that will just come to Him and believe in Him?

    If there is such a God, I desperately want to know about it. I want to know the TRUTH. I can handle the truth. I owe it to myself and to my family to be RIGHT about it.

  • brotherdan

    And so poopsie, it circles right back around to my first post as to why many turn atheistic in their views. They don't like the idea of judgement and so the only way that they can live happily is to throw away God. He is very clear about judgement in the Bible to those that reject Him.

    LWT, yes judgement is a big part of Christianity. But it's not up to me who gets eternal life and who does not. I leave that to God. I never said that judgement wouldn't happen.

  • poopsiecakes

    Given how much the bible contradicts itself on what is pleasing to god, I can only assume that the god you believe in is messing with us...

  • leavingwt
    And so poopsie, it circles right back around to my first post as to why many turn atheistic in their views. They don't like the idea of judgement and so the only way that they can live happily is to throw away God. He is very clear about judgement in the Bible to those that reject Him.

    Do you see why many people leave Christianity (especially any type of Fundamentalism) and choose other faiths?

    How can the Bible be "very clear" on this topic, while the same time the Christian doesn't know what happens to the Muslim, Hindu or Jew at death?

  • brotherdan

    There are alot of things that Christians don't know.

    I don't really understand eternity. I wouldn't REALLY understand it as an evolutionist either. If you want to turn away from something because you don't understand it and not because it's been proven to you in your mind that it is false, then that may be a pride problem. I don't know. I think we all are lost in some way and all of us (atheists AND Christians included) tend to think too much of their own knowledge and promote a sureness about things that cannot be made sure. I know that I am guilty of this too.

  • leavingwt
  • notverylikely

    I did not personally say that about atheists and contentment. The BIBLE says that and I was repeating it. I wasn't trying to insulting anyone. If I believe the Bible and it says that TRUE contentment comes from knowing God, then that's what I say.

    With respect, bullshit, Dan. Let's review your initial post.

    So can atheists REALLY have contentment in their belief (or unbelief)? They will claim that they are content. There are all kinds of people that try to find contentment in just about everything imaginable. But REAL contentment only comes from knowing God. Notice what Jeremiah said in Jeremiah 9:23,24. It says, "Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast of his riches, but let him who boasts boast about this: that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice, and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight."

    Show me where the scripture you cited talks about contentment. It talks about boasting, certainly, but never contentment. Using just the scriptures you cited, it ABSOLUTELY WAS YOU who said that. It certainly wasn't the bible.

  • leavingwt
    If you want to turn away from something because you don't understand it and not because it's been proven to you in your mind that it is false, then that may be a pride problem.

    I don't really understand the pride issue. However, what is the alternative to turning away from things I don't understand? (a) Keep digging (b) embrace that which doesn't make sense (c) lose interest

  • garyneal
    Well, this thread is a great example where the opening volley was that atheists can't truly be content and are fooling themselves about their contentment without god.

    LOL. How did I know you were going to use this thread as the one thread I asked for?

    Okay, I give you that one...

    How about any threads that you are aware of on this board that do this? I've seen lots of atheists rant about theists here with hardly a peep from the theists (particularly Christians).

    But, that wasn't my point in the least. my point was that there are at least two sides to every story and when you start with the default position of pointing the finger at someone else as being wrong, you got three fingers pointing back at you.

    Agreed, but that cuts both ways. Again, I've seen lots of atheists rant on this board about theists (Christians in particular) without nary a peep from the Christians on this board.

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