Your Opinions Please!!!!

by Ranchette 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillary_step


    If a person has proved themselves willing to dishonor a request to keep personal information confidential and posted such information to a public discussion board, it surely becomes a public matter.

    Prisca, does not seem to be aware of the identity of the person who originally compromised her privacy and surely she has a right to find out who it may be so that she might amend her future behavior toward them.

    As to the matter of this being a 'crime' or not, well, the matter could have led, or could lead to serious repurcussions and arguably damage for both the person 'outed' and their families. This I view as a crime.

    The identity of the individuals involved is of interest to me only so far as I would avoid any serious sort of interchange with them. How they choose to behave otherwise is their own concern.

    Best regards - HS

  • DazedAndConfused

    IMO, to put up pictures of someone is tantamount to copyright infringement. Once prisca (or anyone for that matter) takes a picture, has it processed, and then sends it to another it should be viewed as copyright. I have a couple of websites and I know that it is a copyright infringement for anyone to take any background that I have personally made and put up there without my express permission. Written is best. Not only was a trust violated but IMO so was copyright infringement.

  • Norm


    You said:

    Prisca, does not seem to be aware of the identity of the person who originally compromised her privacy and surely she has a right to find out who it may be so that she might amend her future behavior toward them.
    So she don't know who she has sent her picture too? Is the harping on this on the board going to help her learn who has got her picture? Wouldn't an e-mail to those to whom she sent her picture be a better way of finding out?

    What can we possibly do about it? Isn't this something between her and those she has sent her picture to? Maybe she could post the names and addresses to the board and we can make a kind of pillory or similar.

    I fail to understand what people on the board can do about this.
    What do you suggest?


  • hippikon

    I know nothing of the details but you did ask for opinions

    I think it very poor that some one who solicits confidential information for an underground resistance network should post private information publicly. (Regardless of the Justification). I would never trust that person with any confidential information in case I was ratted out in the future. Justification can be easy to find for some people.

  • gravedancer


    Let me ask you to clarify (please feel free to jump in simon and everyone) the premise of this thread.

    I will do so by a series of questions (I will also include my own answers):

    1. Was it wrong for Prisca's pic to be posted? My answer - YES

    2. Was it wrong for Prisca's pic to have been forwarded to ANYONE else without her permission? My answer - YES

    3. Should we all be careful what we tell others about ourselves? My answer - YES

    4. Is Prisca owed an apology? My answer - YES

    5. Are you tired of seeing Prisca and her opposers pissing all over every thread? My answer - YES

    6. If you answer YES to point number 6, does this change the answers to any of the first 5 questions? My answer - NO

    7. Are you sick of all the pissing by all the posters on the board...My answer - FUCK YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • GoldDustWoman


    Thanks for bring us back to the basics. I'm with ya.

    You wrote:

    Are you sick of all the pissing by all the posters on the board...My answer - FUCK YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    (bold mine)

    All huh? Of course, you didn't intend to lump me into the group of "pissing posters". Just for the record, I reserve all my pissing sessions for the bathroom.

    Who envys a guys ability to piss about anywhere he desires.

  • ISP

    I would not like my pic on the net. Not at the moment because I am inactive and still in the cross hairs. To post personal information is not on or to threaten that.

    As far as people wanting attention etc. It is not a rarity! Have a think about it!


  • Tatiana

    It's really simple. If Prisca wanted eveyone in cyberspace to see her pic, she would have posted it. I'm quite sure she knows how. The fact that she didn't is sufficient to conclude that her intentions were only for a few "friends" to know her better. She reached out and trusted...that's not wrong. That's human.

    But, I do think the matter should be dropped, because the only way she'll ever know who the culprit is, is if they confess and apologize. I'm doubtful of that happening any time soon. Of course, miracles do happen....

    I was angry with my friend; I told my wrath, my wrath did end. I was angry with my foe; I told it not, my wrath did grow. (William Blake, A Poison Tree)

  • Prisca


    I appreciate your displeasure over the issue of the betrayal of my privacy being brought up 'everytime you turn around', but there are many issues involved in this, and they need to be resolved.

    The reason I have raised the issue is due to the email distribution of Kismet's details recently. It is a related issue, and one that is important to many on this board. Why? Because there are many individuals on this board who need their privacy protected. And they need to know that there are individuals who post on this board who cannot be trusted with any kind of personal information.

    Does that make me "desperate for attention"? No, I am desperate for answers and I will not give up on this issue until I have those answers. If that means I have to appeal publically on this board, I will.

    After all, the individuals involved are posters on this board, and the information was posted publically on this board, so that makes it a subject for this discussion board.

    The only crime I committed was trusting people. I sent the pic to people I thought were trusted friends. These individuals deny sending my pic to anyone else, so either someone is lying, or the pic was obtained via illegal means.

    If you post something to a person you regard as a friend, you send it to them with the trust that whatever information you give them will be kept confidential, and that it will not be revealed to anyone else without your prior permission.

    Somehow the pic came into the hands of someone/s who have an agenda against me. It was distributed to several people who then made cryptic, and not-so-cryptic remarks regarding my looks etc on this board. The ones that have claimed to have seen it (prior to its public posting) are kent, janh, mommy, tina, julie to name a few. I have no doubt there are others who have not mentioned receiving my pic, yet have received it also.

    The pic was sent around amongst this group as a means of laughing at me, but then it was posted publically as a means of "punishing" me over some slight I apparently did. Hmmm, so this person believes I slighted him, yet HE didn't take it to me privately to be sorted out. Whaddya think of that, Norm?

    I'm sorry if some people are sick of me raising this issue each time other related issues are being discussed, but this is something that is important to me. Not only does it involve the issue of privacy, but it also involves certain peoples agendas in embarrassing and causing hurt to people. And when that agenda has the possibility of hurting my family, then WATCH OUT!

    I strongly suspect the individuals behind the distribution of Kismet's private information via email are also the people behind the distribution and public publication of my pic on this board. I have named a couple of them above. There are others whose names are also associated with this group of people.

    I believe this issue of the betrayal of trust, and the public "outings" of people is an issue for this board, and until this issue is resolved, it will be one that will come up from time to time. I'm sorry if some are sick of this issue, but it is one that is very important to others on this board, not just me. I just happen to be the one who is speaking up about it.



    Just wanted to say "Great Response!"

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