WT Advance Directive - Just the Facts

by Lee Elder 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lee Elder
    Lee Elder


    Clearly, you are someone who appreciates straight talk. In my opinion, someone would have to cut off your head for you to be any dumber.


  • SEAKEN2001

    Well, I guess I'll add anewperson to my list of "ignore". I have a hard time reading through all that stupidity.

    Lee, this idiot acts like he's a stock-holder in the AJWRB corporation. Is there any such corporation and are you guys required to direct your activities according to the directions of such idiots? I can appreciate only too well how much time and sacrifice it takes to even attempt to reform the assinine policies of the WTS and applaud any effort you make at whatever pace you are able to keep. Just ignore this asshole and keep up the good work.

    Addressing you personally, anewperson, I have used some very critical and attacking words to describe you here. I used these terms on purpose because even though you may not infact actually be an asshole or an idiot, your words evoke that kind of response from me. Others here are more polite and avoid typing in such offensive words although they may want to. I just started typing and those were the words that came to mind and I didn't hold back.

    If you are at all a reasonable person you may now realize how difficult it is to read your rhetoric and attacking prose on this subject. While you did not use the type of words I used to attack you above (i.e. idiot and asshole) the effect of your words is the same. If you have critical advice that will be of any help you must be more tactful and first place yourself in the other persons shoes. You are way out of line here and even if you have some valid points your approach makes them moot. Lee and the others are NOT part of the problem. They are obviuosly part of the solution and you can't find a way to encourage them without offending them first. Get off your damn condemnatory soapbox and get down in the trenches and work with them before you open your big mouth again.


    (To everyone else, I'm sorry if this starts a flame war. My intention is to directly attack anewperson's position and did not intend to cast dispursion on his character by name calling. It is hard to do this without getting everyone into an emotional tizzy and I probably should have just let it pass. Please give me a little latitude on this if you can. I'll avoid any further comment on this if it only ends up a flame fest.)

  • anewperson

    You said my guilt is highlighting the inactivity in 2001 of the ajwrb leadership. So did I lie?

    Go ahead and say I lied......... I either did or I didn't.

    If you can't say I lied, then if you like my "straight talk" or not, the fact remains that something needs done.

    Address the problem, not me.

    Again, did I lie or not in saying ajwrb was inactive in 2001?

    I will return to this issue again and again until there are positive initiatives by ajwrb or some new replacements.

    Answer, did I lie or not. Was ajwrb active or inactive in 2001?

    I have no interest in word-fights but great interest in ACTION. So do those who are dying or about to die, so too relatives of those who bled to death in 2001.

  • Sam Beli
  • sf

    Thank you sir, for the url. This is quite a bit of info to paste. What do you suggest is the most important link that the yahoo chatters NEED to WITNESS? I paste massive amounts of "wtURLs" in these rooms. These should get the room a-buzzin' with discussion.

    The "major press/u.n." and "no blood cards" thread sure did.

    Sincerely, sKally

  • waiting


    You want low-money ideas. There's no lack of those: put names of dead JWs who died due to Watchtower policy on a boulder in a city park, on private property by a road or whatever. Call in the press and get publicity. - anewperson
    A marvelous idea! When and where are you going to do this? How will you get permission? Are you going to move the boulder there by yourself? Why would a city park allow you to do this - as it would be deemed a political statement against an established religion.
    And......where will you get the time and money?

    I don't get involved in this issue much, but I do know that it takes time and money to do anything.


  • waiting


  • MadApostate


    ANeuteredPerson's previous posts seem to indicate that he lives either in KY or northern TN.

    The boulders are probably already there, and it probably wouldn't be that difficult to convince his city council to allow posting names of dead JWs. They probably would like to add to the list.

  • waiting


    No way would any city council go against an established church like that. Bad politics. It would be a political statement, whether viewed as pro or con. It is legal what the WTBTS is doing and so far, protected by the First Amendment. I truly feel that no politician would take sides, and no city council would allow such a political statement to be put on a boulder - supposedly for a damned long time lasting - in a city park where kids & families play.

    Just what every city park (where kids, families & lovers go) wants - a rock with dead people's names on it. Btw, would all other anti-religious statements be allowed on other park boulders? What about political statements? Abortionists? Right to Lifers putting dead babies stats up for all to see?

    Just wouldn't happen, imho.


  • waiting

    Heyyyyyyy MadAp!

    You were funnin' me, eh? Just reread your post. Glad to see you're still talking with me

    Personally, I like ya, sweetie.


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