What have you achieved after leaving the Watchtower Organization?

by anewme 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • liz_south

    My father told me to find a good husband and pioneer.... I tried that for awhile but never with much success - my heart just wasn't in it.

    I subsequently went to college, then to university where I achieved a BA, then a Graduate degree.... have 3 beautiful sons (removed soon enough they are not fully damaged), their wives who continue to be shocked an appalled by the behaviour exhibited by some of my JW family, one beautiful grandbaby, and a supportive husband who still has some (but very, very little) contact with the ORG. Still quietly working on that....

    Most of the rest of my family is still INSIDE and they are seriously messed up. Those on the outside - we have become closer than ever. Have a good job.... will have a good pension (glad I didn't pick up on that pioneering track-I'd starve in old age). I abandoned "GUILT" and have felt more free than ever before..... I have taken control of my life. There are still some days when the sadness of my family being ripped apart overwhelms me but those days are not often... .and I have the support of understanding friends and the family that is left so at the end of the day... I am blessed.


    PS...thank you so much to those who make this site possible.

  • wasblind

    No longer on two blood pressure meds, only on one now.

    no longer walking on egg shells, i can go to softball games

    on thursdays evenings, on saturday mornings i can now enjoy

    going places with my non JW family. once again the peace and

    calm is back in my life . I already had paradise in my life and didn't know it.

    Until the WTS came and took it away.

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    I was raised as a JW. For me it has been a process throughout my adult life to unlearn everything that was taught me during childhood and adolescence. I have opened up my mind to new ideas. I have slowly learned to make friends. I have slowly learned not to look at things as black and white. Everything is gray.

    The most important achievment has been to raise my 3 children far, far away from anything JW related.

    I listen to all types of music and I play it loudly.

    I have attended 4 universities and received 2 bachelor's degrees. I may go for a third one.

    Two of my children are in college and pursuing their own path. One child is in high school and she enjoys everything about being that age.

    I am married to a man who has never been a JW and can't even imagine how anybody would get tangled up in that cult.

    My life and the lives of my children are much better than what I was raised in.

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    Walked away from the JW's as an elder 15 years ago and never attended a meeting or read the literature again.

    Went into business.

    Sent both children to college and both graduated.

    Travelled extensively.

    Became very successful in my career.

    Two beautiful grandchildren.

    Became a millionaire.

    Retired early to the Gulf Coast.

    Getting ready to go back to work with possible travel to China.

    Think About It

  • Ilovebirthdays


  • HappyDad

    Total happiness. It didn't happen all at once but when I made new friends and saw that they were not "satanically" controlled as I was always told.......I realized they were just like me........wanting a happy life.

    These days.....I don't even think about once being a JW until I check in to this site to see how others are getting along.

    There isn't much I can do, but my heart goes out to all who have to try to make a new life beyond JW. Many of the experiences make me just shudder.


  • VoidEater




  • skeeter1

    What did I get? A peaceful life. I went to college, got a good paying career, went into business for myself, married a fellow thinker, and had a family. I got the ability of question materials presented to me. I got the ability to truly examine other religions and attend their services. I got a new understanding that good and evil is in every walk of life and inside each of us. Most of all, I am getting a sense that the world is not "black and white" but many wonderful shades of the rainbow. Becuase I no longer have a self-rigteous feelign that "I am right because I follow Jehovah's mandates (meeting, door-to-door)" . . . I now watch my own heart more closely then ever before and that seems more satisfying of a barometer of who I really am. Oh, and I am not beaten nor do I beat my kids like my parents did. I get to celebrate my children's birthdays. This is a very touching and wonderful day, a day that I remember their birth.

    What did I leave behind? The fear of the End of the World that drove insance peer pressure inside me of what other JWs thought. I also left the inability to question the religion. I left behind a self-righteous feeling that I was "more in Jehovah's favor" then worldly people just becuase I attended a Kindom Hall.

    What do I still want? Sometimes, a tattoo. LOL.

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