What have you achieved after leaving the Watchtower Organization?

by anewme 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • anewme

    I was curious to read what you have achieved and accomplished since leaving the Watchtower Society?

    In your opinion are you heading toward the success of your goals?

    Personally I am determined to have something near the life I was meant to have before the Watchtower Organization got a hold of my mind and bent it towards their own purposes and uses.

    I think many here would be overjoyed to hear of your successes!

    Please share!

  • Terry

    I have a context for reassessing my life.

    Being willing to die or risk our life for something isn't brave, noble and wise. It is a failure to consider options.

    Accepting an ancient book of "truth" based on reputation without investigating how it was transmitted leads to being duped.

    Allowing people who claim special revelation to place boundries around my life, narrow my field of investigation and dictate who I can be friends with is cowardice and ignorance on my part.

    Transmitting to others the lies I'd been taught made me a communicable virus rather than minister of Almighty God. The failure to perform due diligence in examining those lies with neutral skepticism made me a fool and a dupe.

    Belief in absolutes is the best indication of self-deception. Making an effort to determine where the gray scale of "Truth" is in everything is the first step toward prudent stewardship and intellectual honesty.

    A willingness to be wrong prevents automatic rebuttals when confronted with facts which contradict my world view.

    Spending the last half of my life making an effort to demonstrate to others that there may be something worth investigating in even the most seemingly wonderful belief system is my way of giving back what was taken from me when I wasted my youth in a cult.

    I have achieved a rational starting place for thinking and rebuilding my mind. It is a work never finished.

  • cantleave

    I have ensured my children will not be indoctrinated by this sick cult.

  • four candles
    four candles

    I have been relieved of stress,I can live my life how I want to live it. I live with a gorgeous woman and a daft labrador,I play my music.......loud........I play Black Sabbath,Led Zeppelin,Ted Nugent....etc. I write songs,well I did that whilst in the borg,but now I have recorded some....5 to be precise....with more on the way for an album. A single is out now with 3 tracks on it.

    I'm lovin' it!!!!!

  • AGuest

    Truth... and TRUE freedom (John 8:32, 36), dear ANewMe (peace to you!).

    For me, there really wasn't anything else I was pursuing. The other stuff that I have... ummmm... achieved... was just "icing on the cake".

    Again, peace to you!

    A "freed" slave of Christ,


  • designs

    Went to University, started 3 Businesses, joined 5 philanthropic organizations and VOTED for the 1st time

  • Gayle

    My children are grown and are free of mind control tactics (all 5 graduated college). I am now married to a wonderful man (never a JW), respectful, fun, appreciating me. I worked secularly and was able to retire comfortably. I've learned the value of joy in this life and am very thankful.

  • out4good3

    I have taken back complete authority over the use of the greatest resources God has given me, control over MY resources ... MY time... MY Life!!!

    I've got a fairly decent job with benefits. I've just finished my second two-year college degree and am on my way to finishing up a Bachelors next winter. From there, I have plans to finish a masters, hopefully just in time for the economy to come roaring back.

  • LongHairGal


    I got back my life, my mind and my freedom. I was lured into the JW religion as a young adult under false pretenses and slowly became cooked like a frog in a pot of water. I jumped out (started my 'fade') at the end of 2000.

    I have reconnected with family and made new friends on the outside. I am older and wiser and certainly cannot and will not pick up exactly where I left off in the 'world' so many years ago (because the same options are not open to me), but I am FREE just the same.

  • WTWizard

    I gained back my appreciation for pretty things (called Christmas decorations) that the witlesses took away from me. I also learned to accept people without forcing them to change their religion.

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