Definitely getting DF'ed now

by notverylikely 150 Replies latest jw friends

  • yknot

    Divorce sucks for the kids........ mom will get custody and soon a JW stepdad for kids. Women are more forgiving then men......we don't visually replay the sex scene in our heads. prayers for all

  • notverylikely

    SUe for custody like right now then kick the b word to the curb...

    Don't call her that. She's in a cult and hurt. Lots of us were there once. I don't agree with her, but I understand where she is coming from.

  • OnTheWayOut
    she said she could probably forgive me if i really honestly tried to get back in and be a good JW, but if i didn't want to teach the kids that way i should leave.

    Don't be bullied for that reason. You may have reasons to leave or not, but not being a JW anymore is not a reason to leave your kids. They may need you to stay more than ever.

    and i don't have any friends :)

    I didn't read page 2, but let me be the first "friend" then. You will soon have plenty of new friends if you want them.

    Call me if you need to.

  • donny

    Hello notverylikley,

    My three kids were 12, 8 and 5 when I decided the JW life was not for me. It was very tough at first, especially with the ex-wife telling my kids that I was going to be destroyed at Armageddon, but in time they were able to see what was true and what wasn't and the youngest two of my three kids are not JW. The oldest decided to become one and if that makes him happy then so be it, but at least they had a choice which would not have happened if I had kept the Society's sunglasses on.

    Just remember to take it slowly and do not do anything without really thinking it through.


  • wasblind


    remember, not being spiritual enough is no reason for her not to render her due.

  • thetrueone

    You've done it now, should have forgone the adultery and the smoking, you tossed out the WTS. where it should go in the garbage, which is good !

    There are good ways to pull out of the WTS and there are bad ways, you might have taken the latter.

    You've probably given your wife far too much to mentally absorb and to deal with, where she's more than likely just turn to her parents for

    consoling help, which they are of course going to pull " He's left god's organization for Satan's world " stay away from him and keep

    with the organization.

  • elderelite

    All the best to you brother.

  • notverylikely

    Please, don't come back crying, like so many here, that your kids will not visit you or will not speak to you. If you do not choose fading that is your right but remember they also have a right to do as you brought them up to do in their religion.

    You and your wife raised little JWs. Just because you choose to leave it does not mean they will like little robots and follow you.

    Why don't you go outside and play a game of hide and go fuck yourself?

  • wasblind


    your gonna be alright, it's just a very upsetting time right now, but you will get through it, one day at a time

  • yknot

    I don't get the whole won't pretend stuff from you boys is a freaking game with the WTS. Why not play long enough to get what is yours? ....granted.... Every married women has faked and pretended at least once (or many times) to get something over and get back to our lives.... just saying......pride sometimes is worth compromising if you get what you want a little down the road.

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