What's Your Pet Peeve?

by minimus 100 Replies latest jw friends

  • NomadSoul

    I hate it when people hang up the phone without saying bye or any other sign that the conversation is over.

  • undercover
    I hate it when a cop follows you for 5 miles.

    Better than being followed for one mile and then pulled over... I really hate that...

  • mrsjones5

    I was drving on the highway yesterday going the speed limit, a driver passes me on the left then gets in front of me and slows down! wtf! I hate that!

  • serenitynow!

    People who think that the left lane on the freeway is their own personal lane. Have like 10 cars behind them, they won't get over!

    "I hate it when people hang up the phone without saying bye or any other sign that the conversation is over."

    Well how about the jerk who does not say hello- you pick up the phone and some guy's like "Susan" and I'm like, "no it's not Susan it's Jada," thinking he'll get the point. I mean a simple "hello may I speak with Susan" would suffice, I'm not asking for a conversation. Lack of phone manners really gets to me.

  • serenitynow!

    "Chipped toenail polish."

    Even worse though is when people wear sandals and their feet are so not prepared for that! Seriously, clip your toenails people! And put vaseline all over your feet, trust me you need it. My mother is one of the worst offenders. Her toenails are so long I don't know how she can take it. She polishes them but still. I can remember when I was a kid I would see her attempting to cut her toenails with regular scissors, not toenail clippers, weird.

  • mrsjones5

    My husband has a lot of women friends and I know all of them and most have been respectful when calling my house except for one. When she would call she wouldn't say "Hi this is Rochelle. How are you Josie? Can I speak to Shawn?" Not this girl, she would call my house and say "Where's Shawn?! I need to speak to Shawn!" No hi or nothing, just let me speak to Shawn like my husband was her man. We had a problem and for a while my husband didn't believe that this girl was being rude and it really pissed me off that I had to make an issue of it and prove to my own husband.

  • Pandoras cat11
    Pandoras cat11

    People talking loudly on their cell phones in the store!!

  • ziddina

    TROLLS... And my inability to leave them alone... I keep wanting to yell, "Naner naner boo BOO!!" in their faces...

    Also my addiction to refined sugar... That addiction makes me grateful I never got addicted to anything stronger... And much more aware of how difficult it is to break an addiction...

    Oh, yeah...

    And bad drivers...

    Drivers who tailgate me in the RIGHT lane when there are TWO MORE passing lanes on the left.

    Drivers who slow down to 10 mph BELOW the speed limit, just 'cause they've seen a cop.

    Drivers who are on cell-phones while driving - never mind "hands-free", I want all drivers in my vicinity to have their BRAINS on the road - er....

    "Keep your mind on your driving, keep your hands on the wheel; Keep your snoopy eyes on the road a-head.... We're having fun, sitting in the back seat, huggin' and a-kissin' with FRED!"


  • serenitynow!

    "Not this girl, she would call my house and say "Where's Shawn?! I need to speak to Shawn!""

    That is terribly disrespectful. A woman who behaves like that toward the lady of the house would make me leery of her friendship with my husband.

    "Also my addiction to refined sugar... That addiction makes me grateful I never got addicted to anything stronger... And much more aware of how difficult it is to break an addiction..."

    So true, I eat chocolate daily like it's the base of the food pyramid! I am so addicted!

  • ziddina

    LOLOL, Serenity Now!!! (fist-bumps, if Serenity's interested... )


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