Wives - How do you "manage" your husband?

by hamsterbait 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • beksbks
    Get in the kitchen where you belong and make him a damn sammich!

    Mulder to Scully

  • mrsjones5

    Things my hubby needs help looking that are usually right in front of his face:

    socks, underwear, beer, etc

    Do I get mad, call him a name, and pick a fight with him (like my dear jw mother does to my father) because he dares to ask for something that is in plain sight? No, I don't. We don't fight about silly things like that. I figure maybe he really can't see what he's looking for or he doesn't know where something is. I think it's funny though.

  • beksbks

    This is a phenomenon among men, I think they just have poor peripheral vision.

  • notverylikely

    Things my hubby needs help looking that are usually right in front of his face:

    socks, underwear, beer, etc

    Really? That's....so very sad it makes me cry.

  • garyneal

    Now I will give my wife credit for helping me find things that are in plain sight. LOL

    But she also rides around in a rolling dumpster that she calls a car. It's irritating and it makes me concerned for my daughter sometimes if heaven forbid she should have an accident.

    Then there is the way she likes to spend money on frivolous things. I'm a saver and she likes to call me cheap.

  • mrsjones5

    The beer is usually in the back of the frig and he just can't see it.

    Oh, and my husband loves to shop, I don't.

  • notverylikely

    This is a phenomenon among men, I think they just have poor peripheral vision.

    There was a study done on that years ago. While men may appear (in general) to be messy, they generally know where things are and can find them in the midst of seeming chaos because what they are looking for is in the context of where their brain expects to find it. When it's not, there is a processing disconnect. It has nothing to do with intelligence or laziness, it's literally the way our brain is wired. You may as well get mad at a dog for being colorblind or a woman for being the reason there is a calendar reminder on my phone every 28 days that says "Danger Will Robinson!"

  • garyneal

    My brother in law has his kids fetching him the beer.

    My niece when she was very little was riding in the buggy while my sister was grocery shopping. As soon as they went down the beer aisle, she said "daddy's aisle!!!" and started pointing all around.

  • beksbks
    You may as well get mad at a dog for being colorblind or a woman for being the reason there is a calendar reminder on my phone every 28 days that says "Danger Will Robinson!"

    What the hell is that supposed to mean??!! Jerk!!!

  • mrsjones5

    a woman for being the reason there is a calendar reminder on my phone every 28 days that says "Danger Will Robinson!"

    My husband doesn't need a calendar to know when that time of the month rolls around, he just knows. And it's not my temperment that he's keeping tract of either, it's the time of availability.

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