Lakers or Celtics?

by minimus 110 Replies latest jw friends


    Lakers baby... Don't be Laker haters just because we have the best player in the world and have been to more Finals than any team in history. Yeah, Celtics may have a couple more titles but not for long... This Laker team has at least 3 years left together...

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    Ok ok relax let's not start counting titles till it's over. Lakers were awesome last night while I think the Celtics thought it was pre-season. Funny how all the great finals in any sport (execpt football ) always goes 7 games. Makes you think sometimes. And I'm not making excuses Boston's news coverage of last nights game is not giving the Celtics any slack. They are saying They SUCKED!!

  • minimus

    2nite's the big one!!!!!!

  • minimus


  • miseryloveselders

    Lakers lose tonight, I'm never posting on this forum again. I'm done.

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    I do believe the first 10 minuets will tell the outcome, of course it would be great to have a down to the wire night, like a last second shot to win the game would be AWESOME!!

  • avishai

    Don't be Laker haters just because we have the best player in the world

    Since when do the Laker's have Lebron James?

  • avishai

    I couldn't put this better than a fellow Kings fan did on a Kings blog recently when asked why we hate the Lakers..

    We hate the Lakers. We hate Kobe. We hate Phil. We hate your annoying bandwagon fans. We hate the look, sound and feel of your arena. We hate that you get star calls from the refs that cost us games. We hate that Pau Gasol was gifted to you. We hate that you call the color you wear purple, because we wear purple, and while ours is regal and majestic, yours gives the color purple a bad name.

    We hate Laker fans who come onto our blog and gloat after the refs put a bow on a game and put it under the tree for you. We relished the day that Derek Fisher wept because they didn’t make the playoffs. We found unmitigated satisfaction in seeing Kenny Smith show Kobe in a fishing hat.

    There is nothing good I can say about the Lakers except that someday Kobe will retire and you guys will be mediocre one year until the league fixes the lottery and gives you a #1 pick for all of your suffering.

    Hate is not a strong enough word. Try detest. Abhor. Wish a pox on. Vomit at the very mention of.

    Any of those will do.

  • flipper

    I mentioned on the first page the Lakers will win in 7 due to homefield cooking and half baked referees on the take for the Mafia . ( Example 2002 Referee admitting he botched foul calls on purpose against the Sacramento Kings to appease his gambling habit in the Western Finals against the Lakers. ) You will see more foul calls go the Lakers way tonight I believe on their home court.

    That being said- My heart wants Boston to win because I hate the Lakers - but my head still says Lakers are champions tonight. Ron Ron Artest is so weird - it would be interesting to see him interviewed if the Lakers win. You never know what will come out of that guys mouth - I'm watching just to see what Ron will say or do ! LOL ! Should be fun- a game for pride and the ages

  • avishai

    flipper, we traded hawes and noc. for dalembert today

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