OMG! I am 50 this year! Why am I freaking out? Anger - how do you cope?

by hamsterbait 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • transhuman68

    Take a cosmic view. Compared to the age and size of the universe we are all grains of sand or tiny flashes of light; much less than we think we are anyway. And if there is a God, he is a schizophrenic comedian. We are just one of his crazy jokes...

  • VoidEater

    I haven't had many of those days of late...I only started feeling human at 40, and I've felt better every year in the decade since.

    If my relatives are any indication, I'll be around perhaps another 50 years.

    I haven't had to put up with krazy kult members since getting out, they've rather had to deal with me - my lack of interest in arguing, my centered happiness, my shrugging off what doesn't matter to me. They seem to more respect than look down on me, at least the ones I know - and I really don't concern myself with their opinions, anyway.

    I'm pretty introverted. I look inside, and find a fierce sense of my own existence, in the areas of my heart and liver and belly and...well, other places. I focus on my own sense of my vibrancy and being. I am calm in the decisions I have made, and not hanging on to any preconceived notions moment to moment.

    I've let go of so much...and feel both empty and full at the same time.

    Being in this moment helps me through. There's so little going on in front of my eyes at any one time - and when there is, I just commit to dealing with what is in front of my eyes.

    ...and I pet the cat...

  • arwen

    I turned 60 a week or so ago.. I had a really hard time with 40... but 60... No, i dont want to be 60..sounds too old!! A good friend of ours who has been fighting. kidney cancer, heart disease.. got a kidney with a virus in it, now on dialysis three times a week gave me some wise words.. He said "you have to live what you got". ... so whatever time I have left I am going to live it and live it well.. no more fear of what might or might now come in my time.. I dont ever mind riding on the back of my husband's Harley going 120 miles an hour... I am living....what I got!!

  • Scott77

    Thanks for this thread. It made me reflect on important things I missed in my life. Now Iam 40 and trying to catch up. I have kind words or encouragement for those who are older than me for they very difficult and challenging decision to make and compensate for the loss of time in the WTS.

  • flipper

    HAMSTERBAIT- I understand your anger. I share your anger to an extent as I was raised in the JW cult from birth. I got out over 6 years ago at agee 44. I turned 50 last fall. I feel sadness for my 85 and 83 JW parents who have given almost 60 years ( since 1951 ) to this conniving cult.

    That being said- How do I cope ? What helped me was reading Steve Hassan's books on cult mind control a few years ago . It helped me to understand WHY I got duped by the cult and it helped me to forgive myself and not be so hard on myself. The world is full of con artists , not only cults, but financial corporations, people who might not have good motives trying to be our friends. It's always there.

    But - I have learned to appreciate the good and kind things I have in my life. My wife, my animals 3 dogs, 2 cats. My adult children, 2 daughters, 1 son. My freedom from mind control. The freedom to think and have access to a world full of positive information which will help me do the best I can with the next 50 years of life I hope to live ! I love beautiful sunsets, great mountain vistas, rivers flowing, hiking in the mountains taking in the smells !

    I try to make the best of what I have - it's really all we can do. Try to have enjoyable hobbies and interests outside of our jobs. Hamster- if you are in the California area - we are having a South Lake Tahoe meetup with board members this summer ! I'd like to invite you to that if you can make it ! It should be lots of fun. Take care my friend, hang in there , Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Congratulations at your golden birthday!

  • Backspacer

    "It's not how old you are, it's how you are old" Sammy Hagar commenting on Ted Nugent some years back

    I'm 54 this year and what I've learned is this: Learn something new. Try a new computer game, take up a new hobby, hang out with people younger than you but never EVER let go of your age or your wisdom. The internet is great for this! Listen to new music and don't be stuck in your own past. I never saved up to retire so I know that will never happen but it's ok. Work keeps you going, keeps you thinking and your brain active.

    As for me, I play an online MMPORPG....that's Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. I'm not as good as some of the other people I play with, not as quick, but I have fun. That's the key. HAVE FUN!! My online friends all know I'm older and they don't care.

    Eventually, we all come to grips with our own mortality. Death happens. What matters most is how you live NOW. Don't obsess over what you missed, just move forward. It's never too late to go back to school if that's what you want to do. Go skydiving. Buy a motorcycle. Scare yourself once in awhile. It's never too late until you're dead.

    Cheers to growing older but never getting old!

  • Jadeen

    I'm a "glass is half full" person, so when I start to get pissed about the time wasted in the cult, I remind myself that at least I'm out now.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Not sure that having a 'coping' mindset is really helpful. It is what it is! I will turn 55 this summer. I could wish that I was younger. I am not. I will only get older. That is a fact.

    Let's not 'cope' with aging. Let's enjoy life no matter the ticks of the clock.

    Dance like it's your first. Love like you have never loved before. Smell flowers as if it is the first time. Watch your family cry and smile and savor it, drink it in. Taste life every day. Regret is just wasted time. Yesterday is gone, we don't know about tomorrow, but we have NOW.

    Love, Laugh, Live. In the cosmic scheme of things, we have but a flash of time. It is a glorious flash of time.


  • coffee_black

    I'm 58. It's just a number. Still have a lot of living to do...and life is great!


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