Did Jesus Ever Speak of writings Outside the Bible?

by ClassickConcept 25 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Terry

    Most of what Jesus is purported to have said has its source in other writings.

    In fact, most of the NewTestament is based on pre-existing literary structures such as Homer or early OT tales.

    This was common practice as a literary trope or template.

    Whatever remains of Jesus' actual teaching would have had to pass muster by copyists, redactors and translators time and time again who were invariably compelled to "help" him make sense (i.e. prove what they themselves believed.)

    when a Textual Critic studies manuscript variants there is a rule of thumb which I believe really illustrates what happened.

    If there are two stories (one in each variant manuscript) and one of them is confusing BUT the other one is clear---the Rule of Thumb is....

    ..............wait for it....................wait for it..................the one that DOESN'T make sense is the older of the two.


    Because the copyist always tried to HELP the translation he was making by FORCING "sense" into the story!!

    Bottom line?

    If Jesus cited outside sources it might have been dropped from his teachings by copyists and translators because it takes attention away from his divinity and supernatural "powers."

    Just a thought.

  • snowbird
  • PSacramento
    I used to wonder how could a mere angel - albeit archangel - make such make such sweeping and assertive statements!

    He couldn't have, only the Son of God could, only God Could.

  • snowbird
    He couldn't have, only the Son of God could, only God Could.



  • blondie

    So Jesus didn't quote from the Hebrew Scriptures which were the basis of Jewish belief in his day (he quoted from Isaiah 61 from a scroll in the synagogue in Nazareth). The New Testament did not exist in his lifetime since they were not written down until starting in 41 C.E., 8 years after his death.

  • Terry



    Why - on earth, would God quote from anyone?

    With such a rich pedigree of creating a perfect world, managing a perfect flood and ******* up the lives of hundred of Isralites, would He need input from mere humans?

    Get a life - or wait for God to reward you with one.

  • elder-schmelder

    We have no way of knowing - JESUS NEVER WROTE ANYTHING DOWN - he was not real, it is just a story !!

    At best we have hearsay that was written down many years later, nobody had the idea to write anything down until years later.


  • blondie

    Mohammed never wrote anything down either.

    Socrates never wrote anything down either.

    Confucuis never wrote anything down either.

  • elder-schmelder

    Good point blondie.


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