generation teaching reconsidered

by inbetween 55 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mary
    Undercover said: For 40 some years they plainly stated that the generation of 1914 would not pass away. They did not imply it, they didn't hint at it, they didn't leave any room to wiggle out of it. And now we know they were wrong...flat out wrong. There's no reason to try to reason on this new overlapping bullshit. What they promised failed to happen. The prophecy they pushed was false.

    That hits the nail on the head.

  • straightshooter

    The new idea of the generation is false. Plus this would mean that Brother Rutherford's discourse about those NOW living will never die back in the 1920s would become ridiculous. If I tell you that many alive today will never die, would you think that this only applies to contemporaries in the future and not really to those alive today?

  • neverendingjourney

    It still can't believe how shitty an explanation they managed to come up with to explain their prophetic failure. Overlapping generations?!?! Really??? 15 years since the '95 generation change and that's the best they could come up with!

    Stick three or four of the brightest minds on this board in a room for a few hours and they could have come up with a much better explanation than this. It's really pathetic and produces no confidence in the GB's ability to steer this massive organization throughout the 21st, but I suppose that's a good thing.

  • stillajwexelder

    no bullshit - serious question here - is this the typical explanation - or the anti typical one? Just curious

  • shamus100

    How many times does a religion have prophecy fail to be considered a false prophet?

    Ten times?



    I suggest any lurkers look into all the false prophecies made by the cult. Two words to look up too: MIRACLE WHEAT. My favourite!

  • Sapphy

    stilla - they'd be nuts to try and apply types/anti-types to this. In Christian theology the type is the old testement character or event, and the antitype is the christian reflection or fulfilment. I suppose they could cast the destruction of Jerusalem as the type and Armageddon as the antitype but it's a stretch. They'd be better off with playing up the Noahic parallels - more coherent.

    But when you think that it is still current witness doctrine that Russsel and Rutherford are the antitypes of Elijah and Elisha, well it is to laugh...

    (or is it Rutherford and Knorr?)

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I have some questions for my family when the topic comes up.

    My son was born a few weeks before my grandfather died in his nineties. Would they agree that they were members of the same generation?

    If they are the same generation, is my son a first generation JW or a fourth generation JW?

    My grandmother was born after my grandfather, so was closer to my son's age, but died before my son was born. Was she a member of the same generation as my son? If not, does that make my son a second generation JW or a fourth generation JW, or is he still a first generation JW because of my grandfather?



  • Heaven

    LOL @ sacolton and undercover!

    How many times does a religion have prophecy fail to be considered a false prophet?

    Shamus, for me, the answer is ... just 1. It only takes 1. Once a prophecy is proven false, you can no longer rely on anything coming from those spewing the nonsense.

    Black Sheep, those are excellent questions. I'm sure you know you aren't going to get any answers. I think this is what you'll get... .

  • Mary
    blacksheep said: My son was born a few weeks before my grandfather died in his nineties. Would they agree that they were members of the same generation? If they are the same generation, is my son a first generation JW or a fourth generation JW?

    An excellent point blacksheep. I was a third generation JW, but by their new bullshit light, I'm actually just an overlap of the generation of 1914 which would really make me a first generation Witless. Which of course, is totally ludicrous. I wonder what would happen if some of us went to the Craptower study on the day this article is studied, stuck up our hand and asked this very question.

  • inbetween

    can you refute the teaching with the bible ?

    maybe, look at

    Exodus 20:5 (New International Version)

    5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,

    Would be interesting, which greek word the Septuagint used for it...

    Here its clear,what a generation in biblical sense means...

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