Are the JWs a dangerous cult?

by cyberjesus 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • undercover
    The Jehovah's Witnesses are a dangerous, anti-Christian cult. They deny many of the essential truths of the Christian faith.
    The Jehovah's Witnesses, in rejecting essential Christian doctrine, places itself squarely in the realm of heresy.

    Just because they interpret the Bible differently (even wrongly) doesn't make them a dangerous cult. It can be argued that anyone who accepts the Bible as the literal word of God is just as delusional as JWs. So calling them wrong and your brand of religion right doesn't make them dangerous or you any better than them when it comes to beliefs.

    What makes a group, religious or otherwise, a dangerous cult is how it manipulates its members to the point of being harmful or deadly to its members.

    We'll never all agree on whether JWs are dangerous or not. The blood doctrine has caused harm and death, so it can be argued that it is dangerous. They are coerced and indoctrinated to treat people who leave as evil and to shun family, which causes harm. But they don't require followers to turn over all money or property or to live on compounds or give up marriage mates or children.

    Compared to The People's Temple, The Branch Davidians, Heaven's Gate and others like them, then no, JWs are not a dangerous cult, or at least a suicide cult. But from the perspective of being a free minded individual who wants the right to believe and act as they choose, then the JW religion is harmful, possibly dangerous, as it tears families apart and causes mental anquish.

    The real problem with debating this is that it's best done with people who have escaped. Trying to reason with a current JW that he's in a "dangerous cult" is only going to drive him deeper into "mother's arms" for protection. Cult members never believe they're in a cult...until they escape. Even then it takes time to admit to themselves.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Compared to The People's Temple, The Branch Davidians, Heaven's Gate and others like them, then no, JWs are not a dangerous cult, or at least a suicide cult.

    I think it is important to point out that none of those cults were suicide cults, either, UNTIL they PLANNED AND COMMITTED SUICIDE.

    Nobody sets up a religion with the goal at the outset of killing themselves and anyone they can recruit to join them. It starts with delusion and mind control and EVOLVES INTO a suicide cult. Lets take a look at Jehovah's Witnesses:

    Delusions? Check.

    Mind control? Check.

    Murderous life-ending policies established as trial balloons/loyalty tests? Check.

    Suicide cult? TBD

    The future is a LONG time. It is short sighted to think it could never happen. It is short sighted to think ANYthing could never happen. "Never say never" is a valid expression.

  • leavingwt

    "If you are a young person, you also need to face the fact

    that you will never grow old in this present system of things."

    Awake! 1969 May 22 p.15

  • PSacramento

    Are they a dangerous cult?

    AWAKE May 1994:

    Enough said.

  • undercover

    I get ya, Sweeney...part of me is in your corner. I see the delusion, the mind control. The obedience to the blood policy is one of the most damning things that classifies JWs as a cult to outsiders.

    My biggest problem with harping on JWs as a "dangerous cult" is that, outside of our own circle of damaged ex-members, it can be counter productive in trying to convince a current JW that they are indeed in a "dangerous" cult.

    Fortunately (though unfortunately for some easily controlled people) we have freedom of religion. If one chooses to follow the tenants of a particular faith, no matter how stupid it is, we pretty much have to let them. We can warn them, try to reason with them, but in the end, it's their decision.

    You're knows what can happen in a couple more overlapping generations...but for the right here, right now, I don't see JWs becoming as over-the-top dangerous as these other crazy groups. but what happens when I'm dead and buried I don't really care...I have to work with what I know and observe now. If I could free just one or two of the right people from the clutches of the WT, I wouldn't even worry about it now anymore...


    JW`s continue to die because of WBT$ Rules,Policys and Doctrines..

    Does killing JW`s one at a time,rather than all at once,make them less dangerous?..

    ........................ ...OUTLAW

  • OnTheWayOut

    "Danger" is not always a demand to drink poisonous Kool Aid right now. The danger can be as some here have posted, lives lost to the blood issue, lives guided to panic that the end is imminent, families destroyed over shunning and religious holidays and the like.

    Now, if you ask if the JW's are just a run-of-the-mill dangerous mind-control cult, then YES. They are not Heaven's Gate or the likes. They are nothing special in the likes of compound-cults or people who commit suicide for their beliefs. In many ways, the Mormons and JW's are more dangerous than the freaky cults because they are considered good religions and fairly mainstream by people who do not understand their doctrines.

    Also, examine the fringe LDS cults out there and get an idea what happens over time. You don't start out telling people to follow the leader all the way to even death, but you get there eventually if your leader is ready to self-destruct. The current teachings of the Governing Body have an expiration date for the end to arrive- granted way off in the future. The next generation of Governing Body might feel the loss caused by the current GB and see no way else to go but to form a compound and get the members to give up all worldly ways and spend their days selling leaflets on the street, then commit suicide when the government hears about the goings on at the compound.

  • Finally-Free

    I believe JWs are a dangerous cult. Not dangerous in the sense of killing sprees or mass suicides. The danger is in the gradual, systematic destruction of individual thought, purpose, value and identity. You have 7 million people who have been taught to look to the watchtower for guidance in even the most simple, basic decisions in life. They raise their children to follow the same pattern of dependence on the Watchtower to do their thinking for them. They are taught that everything outside of the watchtower is "worldly", and as such is evil and demonic. They are taught that the watchtower supercedes any authority, and therefore loyalty to family, friend, or country takes second place to loyalty to the cult. Even within the congregation they discriminate between those who have titles, and those who are "weak".

    I find this sort of thinking dangerous.


  • undercover
    I believe JWs are a dangerous cult. Not dangerous in the sense of killing sprees or mass suicides. The danger is in the gradual, systematic destruction of individual thought, purpose, value and identity.

    Well stated.

    I guess when discussing "dangerous cults" we have to define "dangerous". And then we have to define "cult" because to me, using FF's line of reasoning...all religions are cults and thus dangerous to some degree.

  • leavingwt

    They steal your Liberty and your Humanity. Anyone outside the group is viewed as Bird Food.

    Sounds lovely.

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